
Lets go back to some thoughts of a Proton in a fixed magnetic field with two 
electrons hogging its so called "shell" being oscillated by a "frequency" 
generator tap all occurring in an environment of a nano Ni cone.

This is rubbish:

(1) If the Secretary of State has reasonable cause to believe any person to be 
of Muslim origin or associations or to have been recently concerned in acts 
prejudicial to the public safety or the defense of the realm or in the 
preparation or instigation of such acts and that by reason thereof it is 
necessary to exercise control over him, he may make an order against that 
person directing that he be detained.

(lA) If the Secretary of State has reasonable cause to believe any person to 
have been or to be a member of, or to have been or " to be active in the 
furtherance of the objects of, any such organization as is hereinafter 
mentioned, and that it is necessary to exercise control over him, he may make 
an order against that person directing that he be detained. The organizations 
herein-before referred to are any organization as respects which the Secretary 
of State is satisfied that either— (a) the organization is subject to foreign 
influence or control, or (b) the persons in control of the organization have or 
have had associations with persons concerned in the government of, or 
sympathies with the system of government of, any Power with which threatens 
war. and in either case that there is danger of the utilization of the 
organization for purposes prejudicial to the public safety, the defense of the 
constitution, the maintenance of public order, the efficient " prosecution of!
  any war or the maintenance of supplies or services essential to the life of 
the community.

(2) At any time after an order has been made against any person under this 
Regulation, the Secretary of State may direct that the operation of the order 
be suspended subject to such conditions— (a) prohibiting or restricting the 
possession or use by that person of any specified articles; (b) imposing upon 
him such restrictions as may be specified in the direction in respect of his 
employment or business, in respect of the place of his residence, and in 
respect of his association or communication with other persons; (c) requiring 
him to notify his movements in such manner, at such times, and to such 
authority or person as may be so specified; (d) prohibiting him from traveling 
except in accordance with permission given to him by such authority or person 
as may be so specified; as the Secretary of State thinks fit; and the Secretary 
of State may revoke any such direction if he is satisfied that the person 
against whom the order was made has failed to observe any condition so!
  imposed, or that the operation of the order can no longer remain suspended 
without detriment to the public safety or the defense of the realm.

(3) For the purposes of this Regulation, there shall be one or more advisory 
committees consisting of persons appointed by the Secretary of State; and any 
person aggrieved by the making of an order against him, by a refusal of the 
Secretary of State to suspend the operation of such an order, by any condition 
attached to a direction given by the Secretary of State or by the revocation of 
any such direction, under the powers conferred by this Regulation, may make his 
objections to such a committee.

(4) It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to secure that any person 
against whom an order is made under this Regulation shall be afforded the 
earliest practicable opportunity of making to the Secretary of State 
representations in writing with respect thereto and that he shall be informed 
of his right, whether or not such representations are made, to make his 
objections to such an advisory committee as aforesaid.

(5) Any meeting of an advisory committee held to consider such objections as 
aforesaid shall be presided over by a chairman nominated by the Secretary of 
State and it shall be the duty of the chairman to inform the objector of the 
grounds on which the order has been made against him and to furnish him with 
such particulars as are in the opinion of the chairman sufficient to enable him 
to present his case.

(6) The Secretary of State shall make a report to Parliament at least once in 
every month as to the action taken under this Regulation (including the number 
of persons detained under orders made thereunder) and as to the number of 
cases, if any, in which he has declined to follow the advice of any such 
advisory committee as aforesaid.

(7) If any person fails to comply with a condition attached to a direction 
given by the Secretary of State under paragraph (2) of this Regulation that 
person shall, whether or not the direction is revoked in consequence of the 
failure, be guilty of an offense against this Regulation.

(8) Any person detained in pursuance of this Regulation shall be deemed to be 
in lawful custody and shall be detained in such place as may be authorized by 
the Secretary of State and in accordance with instructions issued by him.


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