This is a complex problem to think about.  I am making an effort to save 
information that is entering a black hole by a technique that is theoretically 
possible.  One of the main problems facing theorists is that information 
appears to be lost by  absorption into the hole and that is considered a no no.

You make a mistake in your suggestion that the boundary does not appear at a 
different location for each observer as I stated.  You chose our far away frame 
of reference for every observer and that is not proper in this case.  Each one 
has his own sets of observations.  The second shipmate looks toward the black 
hole and sees the first one until the first one crosses a boundary that is 
closer to the black hole than the one we calculate and view.  The second guy 
has a computer just like us and he knows that he has moved toward the hole by a 
certain amount.  When he passed slowly by our location we discussed his mission 
and he and us agreed that the distance both of us determined to the black hole 
boundary was the same.

Since he left our location, he traveled toward the beast and with his computer 
he knew that the distance to the center was becoming shorter with every moment 
of travel.  Now, it is quite obvious that if he stops short of the boundary, he 
sees that it has moved to a now location that is closer to the center of the 
hole.  He looks back and sees us a long way away since he has traveled for a 
long amount of time by his clock in the direction of the hole.

Each observer has his own perception of time and distance.  Of course each 
could transform his observations according to the rules of relativity, but his 
own observations must be valid.   It is unproductive for you to say that 
observer two can perform transformations to get back to our perspective far 
away.  Let him make his own observations of what he sees without our dilution.  
My contention is that he perceives the boundary as closer to the black hole 
than we originally thought.  Furthermore, the first probe ship now is easier 
for him to observe since light emitted from it has not been red shifted to the 
degree that us far away people observe.  Also, we look toward our good friend 
on the second ship that is closer to the center of the hole than us and see 
that his heart is beating slower than it was when he was nearby.  He does not 
measure any change to his pulse rate since his time is local.


-----Original Message-----
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <>
To: vortex-l <>; vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 26, 2012 7:51 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT]:Question About Event Horizon

Let's get down to the nitty gritty here.

At 12:20 PM 12/26/2012, David Roberson wrote:
>Is the event horizon of a black hole considered an observer relative 
>location?  We, who are at a very large distance relative to a black 
>hole see the event horizon as located a finite distance from the 
>center of the star.  If another observer happens to be closer to the 
>same hole, does he detect it as somewhat nearer to the center of the hole?

No. Here is how I come up with that. I read "closer" as still being 
in the same inertial frame of reference, and that frame of reference 
includes the black hole. So the two observers and the black hole 
location are stationary with respect to each other. That requires 
some kind of restraining structure, we will make one out of 
unobtainium, if I have any left over from my other project. 
Obviously, the unobtainium structure is quite large, it surrounds the 
black hole and is thus not going to fall into it. No touchie, though.

Before the object reaches the black hole, it emits a photon toward 
the observers. That photon travels at the speed of light. As it 
climbs the gravity well, it red-shifts, but its velocity doesn't 
change. Because the red shift depends on the relative position of the 
point of emission, and the point of observation, and if one knows the 
original frequency of the light, and the gravitational field, one can 
determine the location of the object when the light was emitted. 
Let's assume that there are two photons, emitted together, parallel 
to each other, and one is captured by the inner observer, and one by 
the outer. The outer capture, of course, because of the time it takes 
the photon to travel to the outer station.

But both stations will calculate the same position for the emitting 
object. However, that's a calculated position.

The question implies a method for determining the position of an 
object. What do we mean by "location"? How do we determine it? How do 
we "see" an event horizon? What do we mean by "seeing" the position 
of the object?

A black hole cannot pass any light from behind it. Light that grazes 
it will be curved, toward the object.  Gravitational lensing. If 
there is a bright background, with collimated light, the black hole 
would appear, relatively close to the hole, to be larger than it is, 
because grazing light would converge. It would come to a focus point. 
Beyond that point, the black hole would be only a darkening of a 
region. Light that grazes would be blue-shifted as it approaches the 
black hole, and red-shifted as it continues past it.

Okay, a thought experiment. We have a very good telescope. We can see 
two targets on the object, and we "see" the distance of the targets 
by how far apart the targets appear, we can measure that, and use the 
angular distance to determine the physical distance.

Problem is, that damned gravitational lense. Suppose the targets are 
equidistant from the "center line," i.e., the line between the 
observer and the black hole, and the object is held at a distance. 
Long strong string, out to our unobtainium structure. Unobtainium 
twine, special manufacture.

How do the two observers see the object?

Well, the light emitted from the targets is lensed. It will be bent 
toward the centerline. The targets will appear to be farther apart 
than they are. Our rangefinder will "see" the object as closer than 
it is. It seems that this effect will increase with distance, as the 
light curves more. So the further observer will see the object as further out.

But this is a mere optical effect! The method of determing distance 
by observing the red shift of light with a known emission frequency, 
through a known gravitational field, would not be fooled.

Look, this is really outside my field. There are many ways to get an 
analysis like this wrong. I have about 10% confidence that I got it right.

>I have an interesting thought experiment that depends upon the 
>answer to this question.  My suspicion is that the perceived horizon 
>location does depend upon the exact location and most likely motion 
>of the observer.  Has anyone had an opportunity to actually 
>calculate this effect?

My suggestion is obvious. Nail down what you mean by "exact 
location." Motion of the observer tosses another complication into 
the picture, relativity, time dilation, yatta yatta.

Gotta watch out for tought experiments. They often reveal more about 
how we think than they reveal about reality, and if our thinking is 
not really careful and solid, well, you can get more stinkin from 
thinkin than from drinkin, an old friend used to say. 


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