The Illuminati satanic occultic pagan group of powerful men and bankers behind everything in our society, including the President, Congress, Supreme Court, Federal Reserve, the Smithsonian and other institutions. The Illuminati is the shadow government that FDR was alluding to and the reason JFK was assasinated. He spoke too much when he called for the dissolution of "secret" societies.

This above is not speculation.

However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations about who these people are.


----- Original Message ----- From: "de Bivort Lawrence" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age


On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax is lying again. I'm not surprised. It is OK for him to lie as long as his goal are "honorable" and good for islam and muhammed.

OK, let me ask anybody here. Who has actually seen Obama's Birth Certificate in actuality? Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the Internet. Not snopes which is a political hack job. If Obama supposedly was issued an official Birth Certificate by the State of Hawaii as Lomax claims, that originally issued BC should be in the possesion of Obama, right? OK, if Obama wants to kill the Birther movement, just show it to one, only one, highly respected individual. Let's say, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin or the like. Just one well respected Tea Party member or a well respected Republican congressman or senator. Let him handle that original BC, feel the official seal, look at the folds, and make an official scan open to the public and call an open honest press conference. Not a white house press conference which is questionable to begin with. This is very simple and the Birther movement will die an untimely death and I will apologize and tuck my tail between my legs in shame and go away. Lomax lies when he says we have seen the official BC. We have not; no one has. What we've seen which Lomax claims is the official BC is a scanned photoshop file. No one except Obama and alledgedly snopes have seen it. Why? Is anybody buying Lomax's argument? It's very simple my friends, if there is an officially issued BC, complete with seal, and signature of the official representative of the State of Hawaii, just show it. No amount of spin or eloquence or tiresome lengthy essay will overcome this very strong argument. Just show it. Period.

Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii Ambercrombie - a democrat, strong supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther movement once and for all. So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault BC. Guess what? Even he can't penetrate the veil of corruption Obama has put up to block access to his vault records. Why is there an executive order to block access to Obama's vault BC. This is the first time it has ever happened to a sitting president. What the heck is wrong with seeing the original vault copy BC? If he has alledgedly issued an official copy, what's wrong with verifying it with the vault copy? Why does Obama feel the need to go out of his way to issue an executive order to block access?

You know, only corrupt and lying leaders find the need to hide their history. Obama is a corrupt lying usurper.

And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are concerned with this issue. Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should come clean on this issue. But of course, the illiminati finds it convenient to forcibly reintall their puppet president. And they have found willing sheeple in Lomax. LOL......


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 11:15 AM 12/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very useful for several reasons. It is apparent that you have a strong Christian faith and that others within this group favor the Muslim faith to an equally strong degree.

David is addressing this to Jojo. However, there is a difference here. I'm the only Muslim on this list, as far as I know. And I have not used the list to propagandize Islam. But Jojo has used the list to propagandize a whole series of issues that are not actually Christian, per se, but specifically Evangelical Christian tropes, intensely anti-Muslim, in ways that have offended other list members, apparently non-Muslim. These are not necessirly "favoring the Muslim faith," rather, they are, first, noting the inappropriateness of such highly sectarian and abusive expressions here, and, secondly, supporting a list member who is a relatively long-time participant here, who has never used the list to promote Islam.

The anti-Muslim material was completely off-topic, not necessary for any discussion here, on-topic or off-topic, except to establish Jojo Jaro's thesis, that I'm a liar, and to him, "Muslim" means "liar." The real thing that is happening is that he argued other topics, like the whole birther myth, kept up an anti-Obama drumbeat, and on the birther issue, specifically, I researched his claims and reported them as being utterly bogus. Not as a prejudgment, but as the result of research. And he could not tolerate that, and, I believe, that's where his attack came from.

Essentially, I disagreed with him and provided evidence. That's intolerable to him, so he then attacked with everything he could muster.

This in itself is a good thing and I say nothing against the religious beliefs of you or anyone else. The world has enough conflict over religion already and it is of little practical use for us to continue that tradition here.

I"d agree, which is why I'd never have brought any of these issues here. There is nothing wrong with Christian faith, per se, and I certainly hope I've never attacked it. Evangelical Anti-Muslim diatribes are not "Christian faith," they are highly political and very modern interpretations, and often are highly offensive. (I do *not* want to impeach all "Evangelical Christians," only there are web sites that pander to the most ignorant of Christians, selling them books and materials that make these claims about Islam, claims that are highly ineffective in actual evangelical work, i.e., missionary work. Converts from Islam to Christianity are rare, but I knew one. He'd have laughed at the silliness of this stuff. He converted, more or less, as a reaction to a highly abusive father, and, when I had dinner with him at his house, and told him a bit of what I knew about Islam and the sources, he said, "If you'd have been my father, I'd never have converted."

I.e., it was very personal. And the views of his father aren't that uncommon among Muslims. Which goes to show?

It goes to show, in fact, what the Qur'an says, that people claim religion without having it. We, too often, too many of us, cling to our ignorance instead of to God.

As I said, neither side to this argument appears to be capable of giving an inch toward a common resolution. For this reason, all I see within the arguments presented is a repetition of the same disgusting issues. Why waste so much energy toward this type of discussion when it is known ahead of time that nothing will change?

Actually, I see more. Researching these issues has clarified certain issues for me. It's like the birther thing. It seemed unlikely from the outset, after all, don't the Republicans have, ah, attornies and the like? A birth certificate conspiracy would require a series of state officials to perjure themselves, etc. But, hey, I accept that cold fusion is real, which indicates that sometimes pigs fly. I.e., something we expect is impossible turns out to be possible. But my acceptance of cold fusion is based on evidence, not on wishful thinking, and not on mere assertion, nor on interpretation of isolated, selected evidence.

So I gave Jojo Jaro the benefit of the doubt, and looked up his claims. Quite simply, they were highly misleading. Jojo stil repeats the demand that Obama "show the archival certificate." He doesn't mention that Obama actually has done this. Hawaii does not issue the archival certificate routinely. What it issues is a birth certificate, created by computer, from files where the legal information is recorded. The signatures of the attending physician, and other legally inconsequential information, are not on it. Obama had previously requested a certificate from Hawaii, and had shown it, and that routine certificate is adequate for all legal purposes. It's the certification of the State of Hawaii that the birth took place as described, as shown by the archival certificate, which is kept guarded, that's why it is not routinely accessed.

After birthers repeatedly demanded that the archival certificate be shown, Obama eventually requested, and got, a copy of the Archival certificate. I believe that this required the permission of the Secretary of State of Hawaii. You normally have to show cause for such. In any case, the State made a copy, and it was certified by an official as a true copy. Which is under penalty of perjury, by the way. That copy was sent to Obama, and it was released in a press conference. That is, the certified copy was shown to reporters, and images of it were provided, and an image was released on the internet.

Things got really interesting, then, and for a moment, before I really grasped the whole history and the implications, it had me going. Because it looked like evidence existed that the copy released on the internet was *forged.* I mean, it *really looked like that.* But I kept reading, and I found the explanation, and I know enough about file structures and formats to know that the explanation was valid. And then we were back to the fact that if the archival copy were actually forged, we'd have to have not just one official, but a few, lying under penalty of perjury. And we'd also have the birth record information from Hawaaian newspapers and the rest, consistent with the released birth certificates.

The birthers came up with all kinds of "how come" arguments. Supposed anachronisms, and all turned out to be highly misleading.

And this is quite relevant to what happens with arguments over cold fusion or free energy research. People get into a fixed position and interpret evidence, selectively, according to what they believe. Certainly the mainstream physics community did this after 1989, with cold fusion. But it's done by many, on all sides.

It's not true that "nothing will change." Because *I* change, and others can follow me if they want. I learned about the whole birther movement, I now understand it, what fueled it, what evidence kept them going, all that. And also precisely where they went astray. I didn't know any of this before.

Now, with most of the issues Jojo raised about Islam -- and he raises them, I don't, for the most part -- I've discussed most of them before, because I was highly active in Usenet discussions, more than a decade ago. I don't recall the Moon God trope then, though. Certainly the claims about prophetic pedophilia are old, female circumcision has been a popular topic, and the accusation that cutting off the hands of thieves is "barbaric" is likewise old. I really don't have an axe to grind on any of these, because my God is Reality, not Muhammad.

Indeed, if evidence were to surface that the Qur'an was written by a nine-year old girl (Ayesha?), a tad precious, but *the manuscript is found, it carbon dates properly, and it is signed, etc.*, *it would not change my faith at all.* So what? If she wrote it, she did a damn good job!

The Qur'an describes itself as a "story," and then "the best of stories." What's a story?

Most of the off topic subjects do not result in the amount of conflict that is seen within the religious type. As you have noted, there has been awful and unwarranted name calling engaged in and insults which I find offensive. I would not object if you or anyone else suggests an off topic subject that encourages discussions as long as they do not result in that sort of behavior and they were at least related to science. You will find me objecting if these unrelated threads begin to become too long or cause serious personal attacks. The recent discussions concerning global warming came close to that threshold due to the sometimes heated exchanges that resulted from what some perceive as a world endangering situation. I can understand the passion since there are some convinced that the fate of the world is in the balance unless something is done quickly. Of course you and I fall on the same side of this issue where we seek reasonable, cautious, and thoughtful preparation.

That's not Jojo's position. That's what I suspect you *want* to be Jojo's position.

In fact, we could probably find a general consensus here on this proposition: evidence for anthropogenic global warming is widely accepted, but may not be conclusive. Nevertheless, the possibility of massive harm may exist, and therefore public policy should

1. Encourage and support research to verify and more accurately predict the effect of human activity on global climate. 2. Consider measures to reduce the impact of such activity, considering the possible negative impact of such measures, and attempting to balance benefit and risk.

But we don't need to debate this here. It is generally off-topic, though not *entirely* so. The relevance is that cold fusion, in partcular, has promise as a non-polluting technology that could, by replacing the use of fossil fuels and dangerous fission power, address and ameliorate global warming. Much of the mention of global warming here is in that context.

And then Jojo pops in, calling the discussion "global warmimg propaganda," calling the scientists who express concern "liars," and calling list participants, on very thin evidence, "fanatics."

His behavior is the same, regardless of topic, unless it's one he really doesn't care about at all. I makes rare comments on such things, and I suspect that he does such only to attempt to defuse the other-wise completely true claim that trolling is all he does here.

I am attempting to understand the nature of the religious issues that keep this and other threads like it alive and so passionate. Do both sides of the argument believe that they must prevail and have the last word?

Jojo has declared that he'll keep it up, period, until everyone on the list stops the "off-topic" posting. I was quite willing to leave the last word to Jojo, and said so, and completely stopped responding to him. Flat out, it did not work. I forget how long I waited, but it was enough to see that he'd been lying. He had no intention of stopping, and he would -- and will, if permitted -- continue to monitor the list for any off-topic (Or on-topic) post that he thinks offends his sensibilities. And then he'll turn that thread into a flame war.

Sure, if everyone ignores him, that won't happen. There will just be an odd post from him. But I've watched this kind of phenomenon since the 1980s, on the internet. Trolls become expert at attracting comment. Eventually, they figure out what buttons to push. And the list will always have newcomers, who don't realize the situation, and they will dive in, with exactly what the troll wants.

Is God watching the debate and pushing each side forward in a manner that seems a little less than brotherly? For some reason I do not believe so. Why don't both parties to this discussion realize that they will never make headway in convincing the other side and just stop the insanity? I find both sides equally guilty and plead for each to abandon the discussion.

Good luck. David, you are expressing, here, a Very Bad Habit. You judge guilt. And you do so with shallow knowledge, I suspect. I've written a number of posts here with a detailed history of the Jojo Affair. Were those posts inaccurate? They are not about religion, they are about the history here, and they generally provided links to posts. If they were unfairly chosen, perhaps cherry-picked, anyone could find that out by checking the history themselves.

I've seen your kind of claim many, many times. I understand the sentiment, and I sympathize. However, you are judging from a position of ignorance, that's obvious.

Forgive me if I offended anyone as that was not my intent.

I'm not offended. I mentioned that I've seen this again and again. You are simply human. I do not blame you, and do not consider you "guilty." I just described what I see and understand, and I could easily be wrong.

Notice, below, that Jojo does not accept your position and demands that you call for the "termination of all off-topic threads." There is a reason why he demands this. Do you know what it is?

The issue, for myself and others here, is not "off-topic threads." It is gross incivility, trolling for outraged response, a declared intention to retaliate until others shut up, and the abuse of the list for what is actually a corrupt form of religious and political propaganda.

"Retaliate" here means, to him, and he's again been explicit about this, "escalate." He will say or do whatever he thinks will be as offensive as possible. It has nothing to do with what he claims he's doing, "answering off-topic propaganda" here. In a couple of occasions, some comment here, off-hand, could be interpreted that way, but the whole Moon God thing did not come from that. He brought the topic here, same with the wives of the prophet and the matter of the Prophet's youngest wife, Ayesha. Nobody was asserting that the Prophet was perfect, here. He bought it all here, and you really ought to consider, if you want to judge this matter, David, why he did this. It's quite clear, really, if you follow the history.

But that's a lot of work. Most people won't do that. They just want the problem to Go Away. Can't people just be nice to each other?

I get it. I've watched this for years. In person, people can be nice to each other. In a forum where anonymity is easy, *some people will not be nice.* It's just the way it is. I'm a real person, I use a real name, that is, I can very personally be identified, someone who wants to do the work can figure out where I live. Jojo Jaro is anonymous, and really doesn't care about his reputation, etc., and that's obvious.

This is not an equal situation, David. I'm fully responsible for what I write. Jojo thinks he's not. He thinks he can hide.

In fact, he is responsible, and he can't hide, but *that is a religious position.* Happens to be Qur'an. I know that if I were to lie, there would be no place I could hide from my own corruption.

(no more original content below)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jojo Jaro <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 25, 2012 4:04 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Yes, you are right of course, but It would even be better if all off-topic threads be terminated and brought to Vortex-B.

I am doing this is highlight a problem. If you call for the termination of this thread, you need to call for the termination of all off-topic threads. I believe that is only fair. For why should the Vortex-L membership only be subjected to off-topic threads you consider "interesting". In other words, why are you the arbiter of what off-topic posts should be discuss or not? They are all off-topic and should be banished from Vortex-L forever. Isn't that what I've always asked for only to be insulted, ridiculed and ignored? No offense intended, just asking your thinking process on this.

I consider this discussion with Lomax interesting. So, on that aspect, this thread has as much right to be discussed in Vortex as any other off-topic thread you consider "interesting". Or are you saying that because you are an longer time member of Vortex-L, that you opinion carries more weight than mine? Isn't that what the chronic off-topic posters are essentially saying?

It's all or nothing my friend. No off-topic threads or ALL off-topic threads allowed. Am I not being fair? Is what I'm saying unfair?


PS, Of course, I am ready and prepared to stop all off-topic threads that I participate in, but only if there is a corresponding commitment from other chronis off-topic posters to moderate incessant off-topic posts.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>David Roberson
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Guys, I would very much prefer it if this thread were to be terminated. It is apparent that there will never be agreement between the parties involved in the dispute and highly unlikely that one or the other will modify his beliefs. Why not just shake hands (electronically of course) and change the subject to LENR or something else more interesting.

I suspect that I am not the only one with this opinion.


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