This is brilliant. Jojo tells a self-justifing story about the history here, and it certainly doesn't match my memory, and I've gone over the history to write some of the posts in recent threads. But I can make mistakes and my memory can be faulty. I'm not going to reseach it again unless someone asks, because I've already spent too much time on this to do that *again.*

Notice, below, allegedely I commented on his behavior here. I did not attack his religion, but I alleged that certain *relevant* claims here -- about his behavior here, affecting the list -- were "lies" (I don't recall if I was yet calling him a liar, except in the sense that we use the word when someone promises something and then does the opposite). He acknowledges here bringing up the material about Islam, he says that insult "has to be answered with the same level of nastiness." But he went way beyond the "same level." He went into deliberate insult, designed and known to him to be such.

He claims it is the "truth," hut he's not limited himself to truth, he goes way beyond it, and repeats it here with "barely out of diapers," which is a gross untruth and he's actually admitted it. It's something said to create a desired impression, that's what he acknowledged. When we create desired impressions by saying something that we know is not true, that's "lying."

At 06:51 PM 12/25/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Dave, I honestly respect the amount of thought and consideration you have given to your response. But, let me clarify a few more things with you.

First, I did try what you are saying. I did try to start an off-topic posts regarding a subject matter that seems to be of interest to a lot of people here. After I started the "New Data ....." thread, a few of us were exchanging thoughts and I thoroughly found that enjoyable. Although one individual started a single insult, I actually let that pass and did not retalitate. After telling him to stop insulting me, he did stop and the discussion continued in a civilized manner with no one able to convince the other. That was expected. The point is, it was a civilized exchange of opinions. Exactly what Vortex-L was meant to be, except that the topic was a little off-topic.

But then, Lomax started his new round of insults out of the blue. What he posted has absolutely nothing about the "New Data ...." thread, but instead was a renewal of him calling me a troll and a liar and called for my banning. That level of bullying has to be answered with the same level of nastiness. Hence, I started calling his god a moon god, which of course is true, but is quite offensive to muslims; simply because they like to pretend that their god is the same as the universal God of Judaism and Christianity. Of course, that insult involve identifying his great prophet as a sexual pervert with dozens of wives and a child molester molesting a 9 year old little girl barely out of diapers. All of which is true. No lies, just truth intended to insult. Most muslims find these truths embarassing, so I used these to retaliate. Everyone can see that and it did have the intended effect on Lomax. He was insulted. Of course he was, it was intended to be more an insult than an openning of the discussion about religion. Mind you, this was intended to be a response to his blatant insult out of the blue. And the rest is what you see here in this thread.

Of course, this all stated a long time ago when he and a couple of other bullies here started their round of insults, when I started the Darwinian Evolution series of posts, to try to highlight the problem of Off-topic trolling here. These bullies feel that my Darwinian Evolution fallacies threads were inappropriate. Of course, they were inappropriate, they were off-topic intended to highlight a problem here. I believe you are seasoned enough to see the truth as I believe you have been following this saga from the beginning. Me and Terry even had a friendly bet as to the outcome of this ( which I lost, so I'll be buying Terry, and he said Jed, lunch at the Officer's club, when I get back there.) But to me, this was all about trying to fix a problem. But instead of being more sensitive to how they are destroying this forum, these chronic off-topic posters and gang of bullies started insulting and calling for my banning. This of course I found to be an insult and started retaliating.

That my friend is the problem. And my friend, I am not the problem.. Just that a gang of bullies have started coming out of the woodwork and team up to gang up of me.

I have said it before, have said it for close to a year now, and will say it again. My off-topic posts will stop as soon as the blatant off-topic posts destroying this forum stops. And while I'm at it, I will respond to insults, with insults equally insulting.

I hope you are honest enough to acknowledge that what I am saying is true. But as for Lomax, I did not really expect him to be honest. What I am about to say is also true. Muslims will lie, can lie according to their religion, if their lie will serve the good of muhammed or islam. This my friend is the truth.

No, it's a lie, but he might believe it. Jojo above has said that he is saying what he says to insult. The simple truth is never an insult.

The issue of lying in Islam is complex. What is called "taqiyya" is allowed, by the Shi'a, sometimes considered rejected by the other schools, but my personal opinion is that it can be legitimate, though never desirable. It means concealing one's religion or religious opinion when one fears personal harm or harm to others. Like if you are with fanatic anti-Shi'a Muslims, you can conceal being Shi'a, and they actually have to do that sometimes, there are fanatics who would harm them, and there certainly were in history, as with any minority sect.

But misleading people, when there is no such fear, about religion, is uttery prohibited. He has been claiming that Muslims conceal the religion to make it look acceptable to Western eyes. He's said this about a specific scholar, whom I happen to know, and who would *never* do this.

Yes, I've encountered lying, from the darkest and most ignorant of Muslims. Here is the story:

I was at a mosque in the U.S. South. Some Christian seminary students were visiting, and they heard a presentation on Islam by the imaam, who wasn't particularly knowledgeable, he was really a political appointee, this was a very small mosque, and he was a friend of the man who was providing most of the money. So ... we were all sitting, having tea, and I don't recall why I said this, but I quoted a verse of the Qur'an, first in Arabic, and the imaam was frantically waving his arms to me to stop (behind them, they couldn't see him at that point), but I wasn't about to stop. I translated it.

2:62. Surely those who trust and the Jews and the Christians, and the Sabians, any who trust in God and the Last Day, and do good, shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

After they left, the imaam yelled at me, with condemnation in his voice: "You told them that they did not have to accept Islam!"

See, he did not really believe the Qur'an. He thinks it means something other than the obvious. No, I did not tell them that they did "not have to accept Islam." That's between them and God. I told them *what God said.* And concealing what God said is an enormity in Islam, when there is no fear of harm. I.e., someone attacking you for your belief.

I *was* attacked, but these people were actually cowardly bullies. I was only attacked verbally, and forbidden to speak in the mosque, and they owned the place, legally, so I simply did not go there after this all became clear.

Those people *did* lie, and my wife caught them in it, it was amazing the response. We were at a meeting about the "problem" of what I'd said. There had been a certain conversation with the imaam where he claimed that the decision to change the keys to the mosque was made, not by him, but by the Council. But there was a member of the Council, a friend of mine, there.

So when I reported what he'd said, naturally, he said that I was lying. My wife, sitting in the back spoke up. "He said it, I heard him."

"They were recording the conversation," the major supporter of the friend exclaimed. See, their sad theory was that I was a CIA agent, sent to disrupt the mosque. That's how people like this think.

It's really funny. They could have said, "She's lying too, she is just supporting her husband." But they could not help but blurt out this *confirmation* of their suspicion, because, they would think, only a spy would record the conversations. No, there was no recording, that was just a knee-jerk assumption. She'd picked up an extension and had listened. And they knew that their own imaam was lying. Right there in front of them and to them. They knew him.

See, their imaam was lying, but he was *one of them.* That was far more important to them than any detail like lying or religious obligations. It was politics. I actually knew more about Islam and the Qur'an than they did, and this was really threatening to them. They had to get rid of me.

The member of the Council who was my friend resigned. He was an American convert and was so disgusted by the whole thing that he left Islam, apparently.

A long-term supporter of the mosque had been one of the founders, way back when it started as a Nation of Islam temple, decades earlier, and he had been shoved aside when certain immigrant Muslims (basically the imaam and his friend, for the most part) pushed their way in, but he'd continued to attend services, asked me to lead Friday prayers at his house, for his family, and I did, until I left the town.

Sure. there are ignorant Muslims who will lie about the religion or other things. But that's not Islam, and it's prohibited.

(No more original material below)


----- Original Message -----
From: <>David Roberson
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Of course you have the right to be offended by the off topic threads that seem to show up often. I tend to be more concentrated on the LENR subject than many, but it is refreshing to have my attention averted on occasions. Do not consider my opinion as any more valid than that of yours or others when seeking off topic offense levels. I find vortex-l a location where a number of intelligent and science minded individuals hang out that I can utilize as a sanity check for many unusual concepts.

The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very useful for several reasons. It is apparent that you have a strong Christian faith and that others within this group favor the Muslim faith to an equally strong degree. This in itself is a good thing and I say nothing against the religious beliefs of you or anyone else. The world has enough conflict over religion already and it is of little practical use for us to continue that tradition here. As I said, neither side to this argument appears to be capable of giving an inch toward a common resolution. For this reason, all I see within the arguments presented is a repetition of the same disgusting issues. Why waste so much energy toward this type of discussion when it is known ahead of time that nothing will change?

Most of the off topic subjects do not result in the amount of conflict that is seen within the religious type. As you have noted, there has been awful and unwarranted name calling engaged in and insults which I find offensive. I would not object if you or anyone else suggests an off topic subject that encourages discussions as long as they do not result in that sort of behavior and they were at least related to science. You will find me objecting if these unrelated threads begin to become too long or cause serious personal attacks. The recent discussions concerning global warming came close to that threshold due to the sometimes heated exchanges that resulted from what some perceive as a world endangering situation. I can understand the passion since there are some convinced that the fate of the world is in the balance unless something is done quickly. Of course you and I fall on the same side of this issue where we seek reasonable, cautious, and thoughtful preparation.

I am attempting to understand the nature of the religious issues that keep this and other threads like it alive and so passionate. Do both sides of the argument believe that they must prevail and have the last word? Is God watching the debate and pushing each side forward in a manner that seems a little less than brotherly? For some reason I do not believe so. Why don't both parties to this discussion realize that they will never make headway in convincing the other side and just stop the insanity? I find both sides equally guilty and plead for each to abandon the discussion.

Forgive me if I offended anyone as that was not my intent.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jojo Jaro <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 25, 2012 4:04 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Yes, you are right of course, but It would even be better if all off-topic threads be terminated and brought to Vortex-B.

I am doing this is highlight a problem. If you call for the termination of this thread, you need to call for the termination of all off-topic threads. I believe that is only fair. For why should the Vortex-L membership only be subjected to off-topic threads you consider "interesting". In other words, why are you the arbiter of what off-topic posts should be discuss or not? They are all off-topic and should be banished from Vortex-L forever. Isn't that what I've always asked for only to be insulted, ridiculed and ignored? No offense intended, just asking your thinking process on this.

I consider this discussion with Lomax interesting. So, on that aspect, this thread has as much right to be discussed in Vortex as any other off-topic thread you consider "interesting". Or are you saying that because you are an longer time member of Vortex-L, that you opinion carries more weight than mine? Isn't that what the chronic off-topic posters are essentially saying?

It's all or nothing my friend. No off-topic threads or ALL off-topic threads allowed. Am I not being fair? Is what I'm saying unfair?


PS, Of course, I am ready and prepared to stop all off-topic threads that I participate in, but only if there is a corresponding commitment from other chronis off-topic posters to moderate incessant off-topic posts.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>David Roberson
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Guys, I would very much prefer it if this thread were to be terminated. It is apparent that there will never be agreement between the parties involved in the dispute and highly unlikely that one or the other will modify his beliefs. Why not just shake hands (electronically of course) and change the subject to LENR or something else more interesting.

I suspect that I am not the only one with this opinion.


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