After some additional reading, I agree with you, Abd. Or perhaps I should
just say that my assertions from last evening were false and I'm now even
more confused you are.

Which I will take as step forward ... it is far better to be confused than
to be wrong.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 08:11 PM 12/28/2012, Jeff Berkowitz wrote:
>> I think a lot of the reasoning about photons, above, is wrong. The red
>> shift has nothing to do with gravity, only the relative velocity of the
>> photon source relative to the observer.
> Eek. Apparently not.
>   If an event just outside the event horizon of a black hole emits a
>> photon, an observer at rest relative to the black hole will observe no red
>> shift regardless the strength of the black hole's gravitational field.
> Apprently this is not so, and it directly contradicts many sources that
> might be expected to get it right. The red shift is not a motion-related
> doppler shift, it is a gravitational shift, purely.
>  If the observer then accelerates away from the black hole, similar
>> photons emitted from the same source will appear to be red shifted. It's
>> entirely an observational effect. There is no loss of energy from the
>> photon and no need to store anything anywhere.
> This topic is a continual temptation to me to stick my foot in my mouth.
> What I'm getting is that there is a lot I don't understand about black
> holes and particularly about the event horizon. Essentially, I've felt that
> I have a decent understanding of special relativity, but general relativity
> is another animal, and gravitational effects on light are an aspect of
> general relativity.
> The event horizon, it is being said, is the point at which no path exists
> for the photon to escape, to travel away from the singularity. This is
> caused by the intensity of the gravitational field, which is a fixed value
> at the event horizon. That's the value that allows no escape. Just outide
> the event horizon, the photon may escape, but does not escape unscathed. It
> loses energy climbing the gravitational potential field. It red-shifts as
> it loses energy. (That energy is being converted to potential energy, just
> as with any object with momentum away from a gravity source loses momentum,
> trading it for potential energy.)
> The puzzle to me here is the statement made that an object travelling
> toward the black hole will not only be seen through a red shift, but will
> also appear to slow, such that it never passes the event horizon, it just
> gets closer, but more and more slowly, until it is red-shifted out of
> observability. It is alleged that this takes forever.
> And I don't understand that.
> To resolve this, part of what I'll need to look at are the equations for
> gravitational red shift, or the effect of gravity on light.
> Then I can look at what would happen with light emitted outside the event
> horizon (which I presume will fall out of the gravitational equations), and
> can construct a thought-experiment for an object approaching the event
> horizon, which was the original problem here.
> It *looks* to me like some material that is popularly stated about black
> holes and event horizons might be incorrect, but I certainly don't know
> enough to claim that with any clarity.
> I *do* imagine that I know enough to deny that the red shift being talked
> about here is the ordinary doppler shift, i.e., due to the relative
> velocity between the source and the reference frame.

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