shoot, I seem to have resubscribed with the wrong email address. Let me fix

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Alain Sepeda <> wrote:

> Those two rules are on a very good way, yet I propose slight deviation, in
> the same spirit.
> About Feeding a troll, or as said here someone sincere (jojo,  MY, or me
> sometime, or people whom I respect too much to name because I appreciate
> their contribution - even if MY sometime was interesting) that does not
> want to concede a point :
> I have a personal policy, to give data, propose reasoning, not for the
> "troll"/"stone head"/"convinced man" but for the "lurkers" and "the
> archive" ... some fact checking, proposing a position, reminding
> controversy... it feed the troll and the question is when to stop
> feeding... maybe when you have to repeat, but good troll don't get caught
> in a cycle, but move the target in new place... "don't feed the troll" is a
> precaution principle, maybe too precautionous... anyway have to stop. there
> must be a "timeout".
> About anonymity, I agree partially, yet I prefer checked pseudonymity.
> In my case, I imagine that most people know my other LENR pseudonym in the
> community, and some know my name, that sadly you can get in 5 second
> because of... ...pfff...
> I just don't want to have my boss google me talking of non-consensual
> industry, incompatible with the company image and strategy. My professional
> ethic ask me to protect my company from my private position.
> If people here, who agree not to spread (more than already done) my ID,
> want to see my name and CV, I will give link... anyway with 5 minute of
> search you can identify me... I just wan't to be protected from quick
> google.
> but I understand that some higher executive, might prefer to be
> pseudonymized, yet checked by "trusted authorities" here.
> another policy I've heard about defining what is an abuse (from women
> organization) is that sometime it is hard to define what is
> "non-consensual", but when the other party ("trusted authorities" here)
> says that if have to stop, continuing is abuse.
> Same for something repeated too often...
> The result is not very formal, but it works in real life...
> 2013/1/9 Vorl Bek <>
>> >
>> > Below are two long-standing but unwritten rules of vortex-L:
>> >
>> >    1. DO NOT FEED A TROLL.  If someone is insulting, then you are
>> required
>> >    to put their address in local killfile.   If you don't know what
>> trolls
>> >    are, and aren't familiar with this issue, do not subscribe to
>> vortex-L
>> Good rule. But to be clear, I don't think the insulters are
>> necessarily trolls, which are defined, as I understand it, as
>> people who are insincere and post to get a rise out of others.
>> The people who took part in the recent rubbish-fest were all
>> sincere as far as I could tell, and I think they recognized that
>> the insults directed at them were sincerely meant.
>> That would make it difficult to put the insulter in a killfile,
>> but I agree that is what needs to be done - unless you want to
>> give them the option of keeping the rubbish in vortexb.
>> >
>> >    2. REAL IDENTITIES ONLY.   This is a semi-pro forum, and we all use
>> >    our real names here.  Users will provide linking info in their posted
>> >    messages, such as a "sig" with personal website, Facebook page,
>> >    mailing addr, etc.   Just make sure anyone can verify your real-world
>> >    identity.
>> >
>> > I won't be enforcing the second one until I set up an archive system
>> which
>> > is private, members-only.  I'm looking at groupware services which
>> > duplicate the "groups" function at yahoo and google (both of which have
>> > major issues which we've discussed, and I've very intentionally avoided
>> > migrating to either one.) But today there are at least three other
>> > options.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
>> > William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
>> > billb at amasci com               
>> > EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
>> > Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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