the affair is explained the best at Steve Krivit's NET site.
Piantelli has told me that Zichichi has not collaborated with him, has not
followed his advices and knew anything better than him..
All the stories Stremmenos tell are not relevant-
the patent authority has decided that Piantelli's
WO 2010/058288 is good as patent and... finita
la commedia! Is useless to attack Piantelli.
In the 3 writings about Piantelli on my blog he explains who he got the
idea of nanostructures.
By the way the rods of Piantelli also have nanostructures on the surface
due to hydrogen fragilization.
Piantelli is the real Father of the Ni-H branch of LENR.


On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Stremmenos refers to the work of Zichini:
> "Piantelli acknowledged his own publication on Nuovo Cimento, but no
> mention was made of the fact that in the following number of Nuovo Cimento
> (Vol. 102, No. 12), Prof. Zichichi and his team at the University of
> Bologna, where I also was teaching at the time, tested Piantelli’s
> apparatus and discovered that it didn’t work at all, and that all of
> Piantelli’s statements were unfounded."
> What is this about?  Does anyone know about this paper? I do not have a
> copy and I have never heard of it. I looked at contents of Nuovo Cimento
> (Vol. 102, No. 12) at the site but I do not see a paper by
> Zichini.
> I know that that Cerron-Zaballos were unable to replicate Piantelli.
> Cerron-Zeballos, E., et al., Investigation of anomalous heat production in
> Ni-H systems. Nuovo
> Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. A, 1996. 109A: p. 1645.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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