On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jed please try:
> http://newenergytimes.com/v2/news/2008/NET29-8dd54geg.shtml
> see Nos 12 and 13- let me know if it works for you.

I found the passage below significant because a fairly recent
discussion on vortex-l left me with the impression that they did not
*publish* anything in response to the CERN paper.

<<Piantelli-Focardi Group Responds to CERN
In November 1998, the Piantelli-Focardi group published "Large Excess
Heat Production in Ni-H Systems,"[14] again in Il Nuovo Cimento. The
paper directly responds to the most significant criticism of the 1996
CERN paper.

In the Piantelli-Focardi authors’ introduction to their new paper,
they state that they modified the cell they reported in 1994 [3] with
"an improvement which allows the measurement and the monitoring of the
external surface temperature."

"With this new set-up," the Piantelli-Focardi group writes, "the
external temperature increase, together with the internal one, have
been utilized to characterize the excited state of the Ni sample. The
existence of an exothermic effect, whose heat yield is well above that
of any known chemical reaction, has been unambiguously confirmed by
evaluating the thermal flux coming from the cells."

The paper clarifies the term "excited state" as the phase in which the
experiment was producing anomalous heat.

Britz wrote the follow summary of the 1998 Piantelli-Focardi group’s
paper: "In addition to a cell used by this team earlier, consisting of
a tubular vacuum chamber with a heating mantle around a Ni rod and a
single temperature probe on the outside and the inside of the mantle,
a new cell has now been designed with multiple probes.

“Hydrogen gas was admitted to the chambers, which were heated, and
temperatures measured. Transient lowering of the input power produced,
upon restoring the power, temperatures higher than before the
transients. This showed the presence of nuclear phenomena, and
calibrations performed calculated roughly 20 Watts of excess power
generated by the hydrided Ni rods. The effect, once started, lasted
for 278 days, the duration of the experiment.">>

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