Thanks for the explanations!


From: Edmund Storms [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 2:10 PM
Cc: Edmund Storms
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions



On Jan 23, 2013, at 2:56 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

Thanks Ed, but throughout the papers it refers to temperatures of 773K
(500C), and 460C. are not the temps for 'hot' fusion in the 10s of thousands
of degs and higher??? Can U explain please.


Mark, the studies are done by bombarding a solid or liquid Li with D+ having
several keV of energy. This is equal to many thousands of degrees and this
kinetic energy fuels the hot fusion reaction. 


There is also this statement which seems to indicate that a specific
temperature will optimize the reaction rate:

"However, the enhancement of chemonuclear reactions depends supersensitively
on the temperature of Li-alloy liquid as seen in Eq.(7).


The temperature of the chemical environment changes the availability of
electrons, which help hide the Coulomb barrier in a solid.  The theory of
this is gradually being worked out, but it has no relationship to cold
fusion. Cold fusion does not require the initial keV and produces He not







From: Edmund Storms [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:23 PM
Cc: Edmund Storms
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions


This paper and many others like it describe how HOT fusion is enhanced when
it occurs in a chemical lattice. This study has no relationship to cold
fusion because the same nuclear products are not formed.  While the lattice
enhances the hot fusion rate, it does so only at very low energy where the
rate is already very small.  Here are some other studies. 





1.         Dignan, T.G., et al., A search for neutrons from fusion in a
highly deuterated cooled palladium thin film. J. Fusion Energy, 1990. 9(4):
p. 469.

2.         Durocher, J.J.G., et al., A search for evidence of cold fusion in
the direct implantation of palladium and indium with deuterium. Can. J.
Phys., 1989. 67: p. 624.

3.         Gu, A.G., et al., Experimental study on cold fusion using
deuterium gas and deuterium ion beam with palladium. J. Fusion Energy, 1990.
9(3): p. 329.

4.         Gu, A.G., et al., Preliminary experimental study on cold fusion
using deuterium gas and deuterium plasma in the presence of palladium.
Fusion Technol., 1989. 16: p. 248.

5.         Kosyakhkov, A.A., et al., Neutron yield in the deuterium ion
implantation into titanium. Fiz. Tverd. Tela, 1990. 32: p. 3672 (in

6.         Kosyakhkov, A.A., et al., Mass-spectrometric study of the
products of nuclear reactions occurring by ion-plasma saturation of titanium
with deuterium. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. [Tekh. Fiz.), 1990. 312(1): p. 96 (in

7.         Liu, R., et al., Measurement of neutron energy spectra from the
gas discharge facility. Yuanzi Yu Fenzi Wuli Xuebao, 1994. 11(2): p. 115 (in

8.         Myers, S.M., et al., Superstoichiometry, accelerated diffusion,
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9.         Prelas, M., et al., Cold fusion experiments using Maxwellian
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10.       Takahashi, A. Results of experimental studies of excess heat vs
nuclear products correlation and conceivable reaction model. in The Seventh
International Conference on Cold Fusion. 1998. Vancouver, Canada: ENECO,
Inc., Salt Lake City, UT. p. 378-382.

11.       Wang, T., et al. Anomalous phenomena in E<18 KeV hydrogen ion beam
implantation experiments on Pd and Ti. in Sixth International Conference on
Cold Fusion, Progress in New Hydrogen Energy. 1996. Lake Toya, Hokkaido,
Japan: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. p. 401.

12.       McKee, J.S.C., et al. Neutron emission from low-energy deuteron
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Nuclear Effects in Deuterium/Solid Systems, "AIP Conference Proceedings
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13.       Isobe, Y., et al. Search for coherent deuteron fusion by beam and
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14.       Isobe, Y., et al., Search for multibody nuclear reactions in metal
deuteride induced with ion beam and electrolysis methods. Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys., 2002. 41(3): p. 1546-1556.

15.       Zelenskii, V.F., et al., Experiments on cold nuclear fusion in Pd
and Ti saturated with deuterium by ion implantation. Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh.
Ser.: Fiz. Radiats. Povr. Radiats. Materialoved., 1990. 52(1): p. 65 (in

16.       Martynov, M.I., A.I. Mel'dianov, and A.M. Chepovskii, Experiments
on the detection of nuclear reaction products in deuterated metals. Vopr.
At. Nauki Tekh. Ser.: Termoyader Sintez, 1991(2): p. 77 (in Russian).

17.       Matsunaka, M., et al. Studies of coherent deuteron fusion and
related nuclear reactions in solid. in The 9th International Conference on
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Beijing, China: Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China. p. 237-240.

18.       Savvatimova, I.B., G. Savvatimov, and A.A. Kornilova. Gamma
emission evaluation in tungsten irradiated by low energy deuterium ions. in
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2007. Catania, Sicily, Italy: The International Society for Condensed Matter
Science. p. 258.

19.       Lipson, A.G., A.S. Roussetski, and G. Miley. Evidence for
condensed matter enhanced nuclear reactions in metals with a high hydrogen
solubility. in International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
, ICCF-13. 2007. Sochi, Russia: Tsiolkovsky Moscow Technical University. p.


On Jan 23, 2013, at 2:07 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

Excellent find Lou!!  Much appreciate it!

The abstract for just one section of the book sounds extremely interesting
and encouraging:

"Our decadal basic research confirmed: Chemonuclear fusion of light nuclei
in the metallic Li-liquids hold the common mechanism with pycnonuclear
reactions in the metallic-hydrogen liquids in stars e.g. white-dwarf
supernova progenitors. Both reactions are incorporated with the ionic
reactions forming compressed united atoms and induce enormous rate
enhancement caused by the thermodynamic activity of the liquids. For the
chemonuclear fusion of hydrogen clusters in the Li permeated metal hydrogen
systems, the rate enhancement of 2x10e44 is expected via coherent collapse
of hydrogen-hydrogen bonds. Chemonuclear fusion releases a power over one
million times as dense as the solar interior power density in the metal
hydrogen systems, e.g a 1-mole NiH system is capable of some kW output. The
fusion is followed by the successive reactions mostly with Li metal."

Some key phrases:
- "forming compressed united atoms"     [me: perhaps support for hydrinos?]
- "induce enormous rate enhancement"
- "rate enhancement of 2x10e44 is expected"
- "Chemonuclear fusion releases a power over one million times as dense as
the solar interior"
- "1-mole NiH system is capable of some kW output"

Can't wait to read the whole book!
-Mark Iverson

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 11:41 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions

Courtesy of --

The Svedberg Laboratory of Uppsala U. in Sweden recently published -


- in which the author proposes that in some environments s-orbital electron
dynamics greatly enhance certain fission and fusion reactions.

{{ EXTRACT: The Nature of the Chemonuclear Transition
 In any nuclear transition undergoing gently compared to atomic
 transitions, e.g. nuclear collisions, in its turn, nuclear fusion or
 fusion reactions going on more slowly than the gyration speed of
 electrons ZvB in the 1s-orbital  of reactant atoms, the electrons adjust
 their electronic states continuously and smoothly to the nuclear
 transitions or reactions. Here Z and vB denote the atomic number of
 reactant atoms/nuclei colliding with light ions and Bohr speed
 respectively. Thereby united nuclear and atomic transitions are likely
 to take place. In fact such united transitions have been observed in
 the united atom formation in the high energy heavy ion collision
 experiments through detecting the characteristic X-rays of united atoms
 in which pairs of colliding nuclei coexist at the center of common
 1s-electron orbitals [1].}}

-- Lou Pagnucco



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