BTW:  I don't know why rational fusion people don't continually rub the
noses of pseudoskeptics in this letter.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 5:23 PM, James Bowery <> wrote:

> My response:
> 18. 
> jabowery<>06:21
> PM 1/24/13
> From a founder of the US Tokamak Fusion Program to Congress:
> The DoE committment to very large fusion concepts (the giant magnetic
> tokamak) ensures only the need for very large budgets; and that is what the
> program has been about for the past 15 years - a defense-of-budget program
> - not a fusion-achievement program. As one of three people who created this
> program in the early 1970's (when I was an Asst. Dir. of the AEC's
> Controlled Thermonuclear Reaction Division) I know this to be true; we
> raised the budget in order to take 20% off the top of the larger funding,
> to try all of the hopeful new things that the mainline labs would not try.
> Each of us left soon thereafter, and the second generation management
> thought the big program was real; it was not. Ever since then, the ERDA/DoE
> has rolled Congress to increase and/or continue big-budget support. This
> worked so long as various Democratic Senators and Congressmen could see the
> funding as helpful in their districts. But fear of undermining their budget
> position also made DoE bureaucrats very autocratic and resistant to any
> kind of new approach, whether inside DoE or out in industry. This led DoE
> to fight industry wherever a non-DoE hopful new idea appeared.
> See
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:
>> South Korea has embarked on the development of a preliminary concept
>> design for a fusion power demonstration reactor in collaboration with
>> the US Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
>> (PPPL) in New Jersey.
>> <more>
>> Such a waste.  Imagine if they redirected that $1B to LENR!

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