On Jan 26, 2013, at 11:08 AM, Harry Veeder wrote:

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

Some LENR systems produce tritium and this decays into He3. Could a
LENR system be engineered to supply enough
He3 to make this sort of hot fusion practical?

No, because tritium is a very minor product of LENR. If LENR worked, the energy created by this process could be used directly without the need to
create a big machine to use the He3.


Thanks for this reminder.
Can you imagine any reasons why hot fusion researchers might divert
some of their own money into LENR research because it could advance
their own program?

Tom Claytor has a way of making tritium based on LENR that might supply tritium to the hot fusion program. Nevertheless, once LENR is understood, who needs hot fusion? Public funding is not determined by logic, facts, or even rational analysis. It is controlled by politics, i.e. self-interest. The sooner people realize this, the quicker we can make progress getting support.


Or will funding for hot fusion research dry up soon after the first
public investment is made in LENR research? Are the two energy
programs fundamentally antagnasitic with respect to public funding?


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