On Jan 26, 2013, at 10:45 AM, a.ashfield wrote:

Interesting discussion. I have been writing about this for years but it is good to see the main media is starting to pick it up. The referenced article was rather unimaginative in places but noted the basic question: “who is going buy all these nice goodies if they are unemployed?”

This is obviously a basic question and the obvious answer is a form of socialism. Money will have be extracted from the system to give basic support to the unemployed and underemployed. As we know from sad experience, when people are hungary and bored they gum up the system. This consequence is not hard to predict. The US will be particularly susceptible to this problem because of the irrational attitude toward such social support held by people who call themselves Republicans and libertarians.

The irrationality of humans is such that it is probably impossible to see how this will play out.

If no attention is given to this problem, the consequences are easy to see. We saw this happen in England when the machines put people out of work in early 1800. They rioted and attempted to destroy the machines. Now people have much better tools to do this than stones and clubs.

Consider how fanatical religions may effect things. Consider the Amish for example.

The Amish are not the problem, but I get your point. We have violent religions now operating throughout the world and gumming up the works for the reason I describe above.

There are a lot more Greenies who think we should go back to basics no matter what. The majority doesn’t think about this at all and just worries about getting or keeping food on the table.

As always.

Our politicians are not interested. I can’t even get a response from my Congressman’s office on the subject.

Congress is out to lunch on so many subjects, this one is not even close to their awareness.

So they have not started planning how to deal with what is likely to happen. Although the transformation could happen fast I don’t think it will without some dramatic crisis.

I agree.


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