I wrote:

So it seems that under certain conditions, physicists are measuring
> something vaguely like Mills's fractional hydrogen -- it might be that it
> is Mills's fractional hydrogen, or it might be something entirely different.

This is incorrect.  The physicists are measuring *muonic* hydrogen and
getting a different charge radius for the proton.  So we're not dealing
with Mills hydrogen or even something that looks like Mills hydrogen, since
these have an electron and not a muon.

If you extrapolate the charge radius from these experiments to the case of
the normal proton-electron system, that is interesting.  But what I don't
understand yet is that the new charge radius is 0.04fm *smaller* than
previously measured.  In light of this, I'm not sure what is meant by the
quotation going back to the paper that "The proton structure is important
because an electron in an S [ground] state has a nonzero probability to be
inside the proton."


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