Chris Zell <> wrote:

> I see little need for strident warnings when a coming failed global
> economy will reduce emissions dramatically . . .

That does not follow at all! Per capita emissions are much higher in Mexico
and China than they are in the U.S. and Japan. Poverty causes pollution.
Rich nations can afford things like nuclear power, wind power, electric
lighting and modern hybrid automobiles. Nuclear and wind are more expensive
than coal up front. They are far cheaper when you factor in the cost of the
damage and the people killed by coal. A country that can afford to pay a
little more upfront for clean energy ends up saving much more money. It is
a vicious circle.

Kerosene illumination is the bane of the Third World. It causes huge damage
and cost far more per capita than electric lighting, and hundreds of times
more per lumen.

> , as will slashed birth rates and suicides among those being lectured to
> by the rich or tenured.

Poverty tends to increase birth rates. Also infant mortality, but not as
much. The poorest countries in the world, in Africa, have the highest
birthrate. This causes catastrophic levels of overpopulation and
environmental degradation.

- Jed

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