On 02/06/2013 12:27 AM, Chuck Sites wrote:
> Haha.  Yeah I saw that story,  It's just bait for the deniers
> (or contrarians), or just weird science to normal folks.   For that
> matter, mushrooms exhale CO2.    Trust me, worms are not the cause of
> global warming.  
> I want to reply to Craig's comments and to argue scientifically
> against his denial of Man-made causes of global warming.   First lets
> start with this graphic 
> http://www.climate4you.com/images/CO2%20MaunaLoa%20MonthlySince1958.gif
> With every seasonal cycle you can see the earth breath.   The cycle is
> cause by vegetation in northern hemisphere dying out each year,
> releasing stored CO2 back into the air in winter and pulling CO2 back
> into it's stems and roots during growing season.  It's a cyclic
> effect, and it show very well how easy it is to measure CO2 levels.
>  The trend line in background of that graph is all fossil fuel CO2
> from human activity.

I am not arguing against the idea that man made the causes of global
warming. I am arguing against the certainty that a correlation demands a
certain causation.

I'll stand corrected on the cyclical nature of CO2. I understand now,
that you are correct, in that during the summer, the CO2 levels fall, so
this would be the opposite to what I had assumed, which was the during
the summer the CO2 levels rose. Good point.

> Craig, I appreciate your wanting to find alternative explanations to
> global warming that isn't man made.  All polluters wish they didn't
> pollute I guess.  But solar input isn't the cause of global warming
> either.  For example; there are sunspots which somehow in denier's
> rose colored glasses cause the atmosphere to heat up.  Exactly how  is
> that to happen when the solar input to earth is REDUCED by sun spots.
>  It's part of the solar forcing equation that balances with how much
> heat is trapped by CO2 and how much escapes into space.  

Solar input is not reduced by sunspots. This is documented, but I can't
look for the studies tonight. But higher sunspot activity yields a more
active sun, and a higher total radiation to Earth. Those who consider
the issue, but deny it, believe that the increased activity cannot
possibly yield warmer temperatures. But those same people, who believe
so strongly in correlations without causation, deny that the
correlations between the sunspot activity and the Earth's temperatures
are greater. What if I could show you a greater correlation between
sunspot activity and the Earth's temperature, over the correlation that
increases in CO2 can show?

> So Craig, I want to point you to THE OBVIOUS,   The solar input is as
> it has been for the past 1million years.

No, the Sun's output has been higher, since 1920 or so, than in the
previous several hundred. Can you show me otherwise?


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