Rob Dingemans <> wrote:

> In my opinion is what Andrea has discovered "to good to be true" and
> therefore most people won't accept Andrea's findings, even when it bites
> them in their noses.

I disagree. Many people would believe him without reservations if he would
only do a proper test. His results are not surprising to
someone familiar with this field. His device is qualitatively the same as
the others, albeit quantitatively better.

All cold fusion experiments are "too good to be true." I discussed this in
my book, on p. 10, starting:

"Some skeptics feel that cold fusion must be too good to be true. They
suspect that cold fusion
researchers are guilty of wishful thinking. They should remember Michael
Faraday’s dictum:
'Nothing is too wonderful to be true if it be consistent with the laws of
nature.' Mankind has
discovered countless wonderful things that ancient people would have
thought miraculous.  . . ."

- Jed

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