The IT predictions are interesting!

I have sworn off trying to predict the future of cold fusion because it
determined by politics, not technology. If it was technology we could spot
a trend or extrapolate from what has happened. But the progress of cold
fusion -- or likely lack of progress -- depends entirely on emotions. To be
blunt, it is stymied by fanatics who oppose science and academic freedom.

People repeatedly set up carefully devised funding with government agencies
and private donors. Everything is lined up. Approvals are given. Then, at
the last minute, Robert Park or one his crowd hears about it, raises a
stink, threatens people's careers, pulls strings, and the whole project
goes down the tubes. Or the meeting is cancelled, or the book is not
printed. Every few months I hear about that kind of thing. As long as we
face this kind of opposition there is not likely to be much funding or
progress. It is a miracle the conference at U. Missouri is on track, and
their research is still funded.

Progress also depends to some extent on people such as Rossi, who are,
shall we say, unpredictable. Self centered. Uncooperative. Prone to hurting
their own interests.

- Jed

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