There must be poor-man technics that would get you part way there.
The regularity and number of cracks would not be ideal, but at least
it would be enough to test your theory.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Edmund Storms <> wrote:
> My theory predicts that replication will only occur when the required gaps
> are made by nanomachining or growth of nanomaterials having the preformed
> required structure. All ordinary material makes cracks by a random process
> that is totally uncontrolled and unpredictable. Unfortunately, such
> machining requires money and skill that are not available to people in the
> field.
> Ed
> On Feb 17, 2013, at 11:19 PM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
> So ...  we  all look forward to when your theory allows the effect to be
> replicated at will.  When will that be?  It seems that the closest person to
> reach this goal is Hagelstein who says he will send out NANOR samples to be
> replicated, or maybe Celani.
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Edmund Storms <>
> wrote:
>>  However, a useful theory would allow the active conditions to be
>> described and created. This ability would allow the effect to be replicated
>> at will. This ability would attract funding.

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