On Feb 25, 2013, at 1:30 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

I agree Chris. This delay is embarrassing. However, if you examine the nature of the ridicule, you will see a common feature. The writers are generally ignorant, angry, and without any ability to understand logic.

You mean the people who denounce cold fusion as a scam and a hoax. They may understand logic in other contexts but they have not bothered to apply it to this one. I am sure Robert Park is capable of understanding calorimetry but I do not think he has ever bothered to look at the data from McKubre and others. He assumes they made it up. Actually, he and some others once claimed that I, Jed, made it up! I felt flattered. Imagine thinking that I am capable of writing something like the ICCF3 proceedings, by myself!

I do not think Park is irrational or has any mental problems. I think he is a sincere closed-minded person, which is the most common type of person. However, irrational behavior exists as a separate aspect of the mind, which as you note has caused terrible consequences. I find that this kind of thinking is increasing and will have similar terrible consequences.

Consequently, CF has become a test of the mental health of society. This behavior and what we see happening in the US Congress and in a few other countries reveals a deterioration of education and mental health.

I do not see any sign of deterioration. The situation is about what it was in the past. Read history and you will find countless examples of irrationality as bad as this, and some far worse, such as World War I and World War II.

All aspect of human behavior goes through cycles. The question is only where in the cycle we happen to be at the present time. I find that the system of human behavior is getting more irrational at the level of policy. Of course, ordinary people have always been nuts, but they have no influence except when they vote, riot, or shoot up a school. Sooner or later, these people gain control. That is when the cycle starts down again. I believe we are on a downward slope once again.


- Jed

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