When I said hollow I meant entirely, like a hollow sphere.
And when I was talking about overhangs I meant he non-powder method without

The powder method has a weakness in a literal sense of the unfired part
being too fragile, shapways say to consider if it could be made with wet

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Paul Breed <p...@rasdoc.com> wrote:

> Actually not quite true...
> I have hollow parts from shapeways... and overhung parts built with
> DMLS....
> To be more precise.... shapeways can not build hollow parts with small
> passages that can not be emptied
> while the part is in the green clay intermediate state before sintering.
> Since both DMLS and the shapaways inkjet process are full  powder
> enclosed, then the over hang capabilities of the
> two process should be identical.
> The DMLS has limits on overhangs, either support is added, or the slope
> has to be limited to something like 45 degrees....
> Realize that the finished DMLS part is fully buried in powder so one
> should be able to build any overhung shape with the
> possible problem of the powder spreader moving the first layers of a
> detached overhang around  If the part can be built
> with no detached overhang island, or with a temporary suoport making no
> detached island then  DMLS should be
> capable of building any shape.
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:18 PM, John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I previously tried to use the low cost stainless service from shpaeways
>>> and it had issues with hollow parts and dimensional precision.
>> Indeed, their method can't do hollow, and the other method can't do
>> overhanging pieces.
>> So you can design something that is impossible to be made by either
>> method, at least without temporary supports, or the possibility of making a
>> printer that can use both methods in selective parts of a model.
>>> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I wrote:
>>>>> It seems unlikely to me that anyone will be able to fabricate a cold
>>>>> fusion device at home, using 3-D printers or what-have-you. Not for the
>>>>> next thousand years or so, until those machines evolve into Clarke's
>>>>> universal replicators.
>>>> Maybe 1,000 years is too much, but it will be a long while.
>>>> There has been a lot of enthusiastic talk about these 3-D printer
>>>> replicator things. I am all for them! I think they are great. But I think
>>>> some naive commentators fail to recognize some crucial limitations to
>>>> today's versions:
>>>> 1. They use only material. Plastic. They cannot be used to fabricate
>>>> metal, wood, silicon or nickel. You cannot make a NiCad battery or a cold
>>>> fusion device with that.
>>>> 2. Resolution is limited. You could not make a computer chip, even if
>>>> the devices could lay down silicon and metal. I do not think resolution is
>>>> fine enough for a cold fusion device. Certainly not nanoparticle devices.
>>>> Despite these limitations, I expect these things will become useful for
>>>> making parts in the lab such as the fitting that holds the cathode and
>>>> anode in place.
>>>> In the distant future, the capabilities of these machines may gradually
>>>> expand, until they can lay down any element in any configuration. Such as,
>>>> for example: a fried egg, the Hope Diamond, a copy of the Mona Lisa correct
>>>> down to the molecule, or a thermonuclear bomb. That is what Clarke
>>>> predicted. By the time that happens we can hope that the machines will have
>>>> so much built-in intelligence, it will refuse to fabricate a thermonuclear
>>>> bomb. The process will be so complicated that no human will be able to
>>>> override the build-in protections, or run the machine manually.
>>>> - Jed

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