David Jonsson <davidjonssonswe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The camera market is strange and weird. They sell 13 megapixel cameras
> althoug very few can view more than 2 megapixel and commonly we view far
> less.

That can't be right. I have some old photos from 2 MP cameras. They are
tiny! They do not begin to fill the screen.

A 12 MP image more than fills the biggest computer screen now available. In
the future I expect we will have screens 1 m to the side, and eventually
wall-sided hi-res screens, so there will always be a use for more
megapixels in cameras.

One benefit of having a 12 MP camera now is that you can edit the picture,
cropping out parts you do not like. The resulting image still has enough
detail to be interesting, or attractive.

There was a photography expert retired from the NSA who made conventional
film cameras with gigantic resolution, which he used to make landscape
photos. He would blow them up to wall sized murals and every inch showed
astounding detail. It took him days to take a shot sometimes because he had
to wait for good weather. I don't recall his name.

- Jed

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