Key: trandimensional 'virtual' mobius-loop 'teleportation,' has been staring in 
the eye 'forever.'  And it 
is just one of the many misdefined 'givens' that we've inherited the we never 
have had
the 'need' to investigate further. . . that is until somebody saw 'cold fusion' 
at an Electrolysis electrode sight. . . and the 'mystery' unfolded.
*Simple observations:
Electrolysis:  ?At which electrode does the water molecule divide into H2 & O2 
not ions?
?Put one electrode at the end of 100 mile long fresh-water lake and the other 
polarity electrode
at the other end; but the respective H2 & O2 'bubbles' appear 'instantantly' @ 
each electrode.
?Are we to believe that the 'electrolysis-separation' happens at either 
one-electrode or the other,
and/or in the centre-pathway between them in the middle of the lake . . . and 
then do those respective bubbles travel 'through the water' @ Light-Speed or 
1/2 Light-Speed of electro-motive current through space-time normal?
*This notion has never been observed nor definitively demonstrated/proven; but 
rather just 'hazily' assumed; kind've.
?If not then; do the H2 &/or O2 molecules migrate 'down' the DC-power source 
wire to their respective
appropriate electrodes then?
*Methinks 'none of the above.
*Methinks that Electrolysis 'is' naturally the estabablishment of a 
Transdimensional Mobius-Loop/SpookyAction
pathway between our electrode. And thus is H2>HE aexoplasma fusion a natural 
spontaneous process
needing just a modest 'boost' in the Electrolytic-input-charge to stimulate.
This has been 'occurring' to some degree all along. But since we didn't 
anticipate it, because its causal
Transdimensional-Physic agency was totally unknown to us, we then just ignored 
the anomolous 
'excess' energy.  We probably routinely simply chalked it up to the 
excepted-but-unexplained electricians
phenomenon called the mysterious 'transit voltage.'  This is also a 
'Transdimensional Tesla-Coil plasma-
breach ingress aexo-plasma marginal function; but more on this some other time. 
*The transdimensional mobius-loop SpookyAction process which is actually 
prosaic, natural, and common
all around us in chemical & nuclear reactions and is 'actually' what is 
happening in 'at least' most
of what we classically refer to as 'ion-flow.'
Eugene Mallove called the 'cold fusion' process 'Electrolytic-Catalytic Cold 
Fusion' and he 'nailed it perfect'
which is one of the main reasons that he is 'not' with us in the body at this 
The Transdimensional mobius-loop SpookyAction process is the operant causel 
pathway of H2
entering the Hyper-Grav/Hyper-Electrolytic AexoPlasma  field-loop which fuses 
the H2 into HE.
The Electrolytic pathway already established by the H2O>H2 & O2 process, with a 
simple 'boost'
to the Gyro-Toroidal EM field at the Pladium-Cathode Transdim-Osmiotic 
'membrane' threshold,
is all that is necessary to Quantum-Jump the Electrolytic-Mobius-Loop pathway 
into a full blown
cold fusion function.  It's been under our noses all along.
The concommitant ingress of 'Hi-Octane' aexoplasma also accounts for the 
'alchemical-like' fusion
eg. 'spontaneous generation' of different 'metal-atoms' of our periodic-table 
as a bi-product of
this process.
In the 'cold fusion' arena; this is THE MALLOVE EFFECT.  And in the macro 

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