The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are dipole-like
structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation.

Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one.




[darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]



Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by adjusting the way it is


[GO to website to see picture]

"All spin directions (represented by the spheres) collapse on one or the
opposite direction depending on the measured photon polarization."


NOTE THE WORDING, ".collapse on ONE OR THE OPPOSITE direction (green
areas)."  WHAT is being detected are the two extremes of the oscillation
where it has to slow down and reverse direction. and thus, the oscillation
spends the vast majority of its time at these two extremes, and is where we
are most likely to OBSERVE it.


"This suggests that an observer can influence the collapse of superposition
just by adjusting the orientation of his photon-polarization measurement


Yes, by adjusting the phase of the photon, which can be accomplished by
adjusting the distance between photon source and target, or target and
photon detector, will also result in similar results. 




Quarks' spins dictate their location in the proton


"In a proton, quarks with spin pointed in the up direction (red and blue)
tend to gather in the left half of the proton as seen by the incoming
electron, whereas down-spinning quarks (green) tended to gather in the right
half of the proton."


[GO to website to see picture]



LHC team observes first instance of D-mesons oscillating between matter and


"Put simply, antimatter is identical to matter except that it exists with an
opposite electrical charge. In this new research, the team was studying
mesons-a group that along with other particles are made up of quarks. Mesons
are made up of just two quarks, one matter, the other antimatter. Research
over the years has led to theories that the quarks that exist as part of
mesons, can oscillate between matter and antimatter. More recently, three
(K-mesons and two types of B-mesons) out of the four known types of mesons
had been shown to do just that, leaving just the D-meson. Now, with this new
effort, researches at the LHC say their experiments have shown such
oscillations exist for them as well. And so strong are the results that the
team has given them a five sigma level of certainty."




Ephemeral vacuum particles induce speed-of-light fluctuations


"Vacuum is one of the most intriguing concepts in physics. When observed at
the quantum level, vacuum is not empty. It is filled with continuously
appearing and disappearing particle pairs such as electron-positron or
quark-antiquark pairs. These ephemeral particles are real particles, but
their lifetimes are extremely short."



proposing for years.


X-ray laser pulses in two colors


"This combination of undulators and chicane provides nearly full control of
the color separation, as well as of the time delay between colors," said



phase is critical.


Researchers discover a way to avoid decoherence in a quantum system


"the researchers fired single photons at atoms and then studied the results
using a detector. When the photons struck the atoms, they were deflected, a
process called scattering. In so doing, they discovered that if the photon
struck an atom whose spin was not aligned in the same direction as its path,
than the photon and atom became entangled-where two particles behave as if
one, even at a distance. If the photon and atom's spin were aligned,
however, entanglement did not occur."




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