On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The most important factor in a cold fusion experiment is the choice of
> host metal; the Pd cathode in this case. As Miles showed in Table 10, if
> the person doing the experiment is skilled, the success rate varies from
> zero to 100% depending on the material.

Really? You need skill to get a success rate from 0 to 100%? I should think
it would take skill to get outside that range.

> The Pd at Toyota was supplied by Johnson Matthey (JM). As shown in Miles
> Table 10, JM material in the 1990s was FAR better than anyone else's. It
> worked 100% of the time and it produced 10 to 100 times more power.

Hmm. Not in my version. As I read it, he lists 17/28 as the success ratio
for the JM cells. And the power ratio can be anything from zero to
infinity, depending on which cells you pick. But the power density was as
high as 15 W/cm3, and the highest from other Pd was 2.1, so about 7 times
more comparing peak to peak.

> Martin Fleischmann understood that. He knew that before he began the
> experiments in the 1980s, because -- as he told me -- "I told JM what I was
> looking for, and they gave me this Pd." He was a complicated person but
> sometimes he used the direct approach.
> The point is, when it began to smell like a trillion dollar market, both
> sides decided they wanted all the marbles. That often happens in business.
> That's the story I heard anyway. A typical cold fusion tragic fiasco. You
> don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I think an incredulous smirk is appropriate.

> So, JM knows. Or knew. The people there who knew are retired or dead.

Very convenient for true believers, but Fleischmann lived for a long time
after. Couldn't he just go and tell someone else what he was looking for?
You know use that direct approach that worked before.

> Clearly, the fix was in. They did not want any excess heat. My gut feeling
> is that they wanted it when the project began but by the time Miles was
> there, they had given up hope and they wanted to close the program down.

Because who wants clean abundant energy? Who wants to save the world? Who
wants honor glory fame. No one wants that!

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