If you split the time between activator and ecat as he suggests you get
slightly different numbers:

0.91 * 35% of the time = 0.3185 kWh/h
1 * 65% of the time = 0.65 kWh/h

total output = 0.9685 kWh/h
input = 0.9 * 35% of the time = 0.315 kWh/h

COP = 3.07

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:48 AM, Alan Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

> I can't figure out how Rossi claims a COP of 100-200
> May 12th, 2013 at 9:59 PM
> http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=802&cpage=9#comment-694786
> Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
> Please don’t go too far: just, for now, let’s limit to what I wrote about
> the Activator/E-Cat cycle. Please read carefully what I wrote. More than
> that is not possible to get, so far. Our basic module is made by an
> apparatus in which we have 2 components: an activator, which consumes abour
> 900 Wh/h and produces about 910 Wh/h of heat. This heat activates the E-Cat
> and then goes to the utilization by the Customer, so that its cost is paid
> back by itself. This activator stays in function for the 35% of the
> operational time of the syspem of the apparatus. The E-Cat, activated by
> the heat of the Activator, works for about the 65% of the operational time,
> producing about 1 kWh/h without consuming any Wh/h from the grid. Combining
> these modules we can make E-Cats of 1 kW , 10 kW, 100 kW, 1 MW ,
> respectively, of power.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> - - -
>                                kWh/h
> mouse output                    0.91
> ecat output                     1.00
> total output                    1.91
> total input                     0.90
> Total COP = total output/input  2.12


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