Well, it is the 2nd time you give this warning about the rule. Will ban or
not Joshua Cude, since he seems the only one to not follow the rule?

2013/5/16 William Beaty <bi...@eskimo.com>

> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
>  We need to know where to draw the line. Which facts do we consider so
>> obvious that when someone denies them, they're a debunker rather than small
>> 's' skeptic.
> Nah, because we become "debunkers" only if we start logging onto forums in
> order to crusade against the sad muddled beliefs of their users. For
> example, I don't subscribe to crazy Phrenologist belief systems, or even
> UFO stuff.  Does that make me a Debunker?  Nooo, I just disbelieve, yet I
> have zero interest in those topics.  And if a pro-N-rays thread takes off
> here, that's no prob, even though I'm a complete Disbeliever.
> Again, everyone please read:  
> http://amasci.com/weird/vmore.**html<http://amasci.com/weird/vmore.html>,
> it's basically the Rule II details.
> "Small-s" is just normal scientific critical analysis, while "large-S"
> refers to the Skeptic Activists, to crusaders, to people who go out
> searching for inferior deluded minds to set right.  Large-S is the
> self-described 'Skeptics' who've made up their own minds 100%, and who now
> are selecting evidence in order to preserve this decision.
> (A side issue would be folks like Leroy Ellenberger, a former TB follower
> of Velikovski who became an over-the-top sneering critic.  Heh, any pro-CF
> people getting disillusioned, and want to launch a debunking crusade?)
> So, is it OK for debunkers to come here and debate, as long as they stay
> polite?  Debunkery without sneering?  Nope.  It's still DEBUNKING, attack
> by a convinced disbeliever, and is a useless and endless battle.  It is not
> a debate unless both sides are able to put themselves in the other guy's
> shoes, or at least to shift their views according to evidence.
> As I said, "Debunkers" are our police force, and it's easier to convince a
> cop that burglary is OK, than to convince a debunker that CF isn't pure
> garbage needing to be stamped out.  We can mount all sorts of pro-burglary
> arguments to send to the police.  They won't even read them, unless it's to
> find more stupidity to dissect.  But that means they're SELECTING DATA,
> ignoring anything that might harm their confident stance in their own
> rightness!!!  Yes, of course.  Debunkers and police are supposed to be the
> opposite of scientists: they won't give one thought to criticizing their
> own position, especially when they're hip deep in bad guys; bad guys who
> are trying to shatter their confidence and convert them into criminals, or
> at least turn them into self-questioning wimpy fence-sitters.
> So, if one wants to be entirely safe on vortex-L, then before deciding to
> launch a solid and well-investigated criticims of the flaws of CF, you
> really need to be a long-time CF believer.  Or at least be very obviously
> undecided and open-minded about it.  Staunch disbelievers who actively
> launch criticism, that's what Debunkers are, and that's who vortex-L is
> designed to exclude.
> PS
> All this is modeled on many other real life wack-o alt-science
> communities, communities where one segment may despise some of the beliefs
> of another.  The UFO people rubbing shoulders with astrologers.  They all
> get along by the simple trick of refusing to criticize the "contemptible
> incorrect beliefs" of fellow community members.  If they want to debunk
> someone's dangerous craziness, they go well outside the community to do it.
> Ah, here's another aspect.  Does someone say to you, "I totally disagree
> with what you're staying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say
> it?"  Yes?  Then they're probably no Debunker.  In my experience, debunkers
> want their targets silenced.  Their core attitude might or might not be
> hidden, but it involves disrespect, even disgust.  (I.e. our police force
> is contemptuous of the Perps, and hopes to see the bad guys removed from
> society, not given a soapbox.)
> (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
> William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
> billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
> Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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