"There have been more than 60,000 papers published on high-temperature
superconductive material since its discovery in 1986," said Jak Chakhalian,
professor of physics at the University of Arkansas. "Unfortunately, as of
today we have *zero theoretical understanding* of the mechanism behind this
enigmatic phenomenon. In my mind, the high-temperature superconductivity is
the most important unsolved mystery of condensed matter physics."


After over 60000 published papers, way more than LENR, and as the expert
himself says, 

   "we have zero theoretical understanding of the mechanism."


<sarcasm ON>


Obviously they don't know how to make simple measurements, and must be
engaged in a massive instance of self-delusion/group-think, or the grandest
conspiracy to maintain their funding.


Makes LENR look like small potatoes.


<sarcasm OFF>


-Mark Iverson


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