Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

--- On Wed, 5/29/13, Claudio C Fiorini <> wrote:

From: Claudio C Fiorini <>
Subject: Re:[Vo]:PCE-830 manual and 3 phases measurement
Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 7:19 AM

Rob wrote:

It should read 3P3W mode (page 12) and not in 3P4W mode

Yes indeed. But why are the tensions around 237 V and not around 400 V AC? 
Perhaps this is a form of interphasal voltage measurement. I see here that  the 
numbers are close to a 1/1.7 ratio. Sometimes these things(interphasal Circuit 
experimentation) take unusual pathways of the circuits displaying a zero point 
value, and yet being part of a seeming conveyance of energy, and it still seems 
remarkable that the voltage does not distribute itself linearly so that the 
"delivery wires" share in  losses in the reaching of a load. However "if" a 
load was inserted at this point, the intervening capacitors would then be 
obliged to share the currents and voltage distribution.
Say I have two capacitors, each with only one side hooked to the power supply 
and they both read zero volts. Now I take a third voltage meter and measure the 
ends of those caps reading zero volts across them. Is there anyone who thinks 
that only zero volts must come out the other free endings? Well I did this with 
an 11 volt alternator demo. We wanted to see what the open circuit voltage 
delivery from the source would be, so we disabled each delta load at the 
midpoints, so that no amperage was permitted on that phase. These were LC 
resonant circuits exhibiting voltage rise, so those meters were labeled V(i) 
for internal voltage rise, and they were placed across the caps. The other 
meters are cap open lead voltage readings. So what happens is that we have 
three 11 volt sources attached on one side only to three caps labeled 
1V(i),2V(i),3V(i) all reading zero. Now attached to the former endings are the 
interphasal voltage meters (1-2),(2-3),(1-3) ALL
 READING 11 VOLTS AND OVER. This shown at 1:30 in the video ~60% Voltage 
Kickback from Load to Stator Source(ph3)
BETWEEN THOSE SOURCES PRODUCING ZERO VOLTS! So then we can have both a voltage 
made by charge separation or motionally induced emf as in the three phase 
alternator case, AND an extra voltage present due to time separation of 
signals.However the special thing about this is there must be an internal 
voltage rise against itself within the phase itself as the LC components 
midpoint rise in voltage; for that quantity to be measured with respect to the 
timing of another phase having the same resonant rise of voltage, where 
duplication of phase angles would be considered the norm. Thus having three 1 
volt signals each having acting Q factors of 10 would show 10 volts on the 
outer phasal triangle, and 17 volts on the inner 
phasal interior triangle.

They switched the instrument in 3P3W mode, but being incompetent (my opinion) 
they connected only two wires to the phases but one to the neutral. The result 
can be seen on the display of the PCE830 computer: a complete garbage. 
Frequency: 5.3 Hz! a negative pf, V31 beeing 6.3 V AC and so on. Never seen 
such a garbage on a similar instrument. And nobody of the experts present and 
co-authors saw this, only internet blogger weeks later. And only because swiss 
associates of Rossi published proudly the picture on their "Net journal" and 
someone else showed the embarassing an revealing picture on another page (later 
replaced by James Bond and Dr. No).

By the way: it is now obvious, that the resistors were placed between the 
phases. Look at picture "figure 5" in the Levi report. We see that two white 
cable of two different resistors (2 out of 3 in total, the third is on the 
right side) are connected to a single wire of the power supply. If you connect 
3 resistors from phase to neutral, you would expect in one case 3 white wires 
connected to one point (neutral) and every other white cable would be connected 
to a single wire of the power supply. 

This is confirmed by the fact that they switched the instrument in 3P3W mode 
(V12 V23 V31). It is also confirmend by Rossi himself who spoke about "380 V".
I conclude that the test in december was made so badly, that the authors should 
retract. The youger among them are risking their future career. 

And about the march test, i have also a hypothesis. But i prefer to wait.

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