If he does not know such a simple thing, I think he can be safely ignored
as plainly he is significantly ignorant of basic physics.

Only toroidal coils/cores have negligible external detectable field.
And actually it is present but cancelled, hence only detected inductively.

Very long solenoids have a strong external field near the poles but is
weaker near the middle.


On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 1:52 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> I suggest that you study the magnetic fields associated with solenoids
> Josh.  Obviously you must not realize that they have an external field much
> like a bar magnet.  This is simple for you to study and realize your
> mistake.
>  Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Fri, May 31, 2013 3:32 am
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:new hypothesis to confute regarding input energy in Ecat
> test
>  On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Berke Durak <berke.du...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I don't buy it. The reactor is a sealed faraday cage, so it's not going
>> to
>> > care about ripple or dc vs ac. It's just a thermal interface.
>>  The reactor might require or might be incompatible with low-frequency AC
>> magnetic fields, which can go through 3 mm of steel, especially AISI 310
>> steel which has very low magnetic permeability.  (Faraday cages bounce off
>> electromagnetic signals (balanced E + B) but not necessarily penetrating
>> magnetic signals.)
>  Good grief. The resistors are coils, presumably helical solenoids with
> the axis parallel to the reactor cylinder. The magnetic field is near zero
> outside a solenoid, except at the ends. Not the best way to get magnetic
> fields in. Moreover, the Ni is above the Curie point at those temperatures,
> and so is not ferro-magnetic. But it's a real reach anyway to think you
> could even measure magnetic fields, let alone induce nuclear reactions with
> them. And some say the skeptics are grasping.
>> In addition we are told the instantaneous power was about 930 W.  If
>> unfiltered,
>> full-wave rectified AC was used then in 10 ms, that 930 W will supply or
>> fail to
>> supply about 10 J.  As this is metal here and not water the thermal
>> masses are
>> pretty low: for the steel casing which has a thermal mass of about .15 J/K
>> this would mean a change of 1.5 degree, 100 times per second.  With a
>> diffusivity of .36 m2/s this 100 Hz thermal signal would certainly
>> reach the core.
>  What? No! What are you smoking?
>  Do you notice how tungsten light bulbs glow for a fraction of a second
> after you turn them off? That's thermal mass. Photographers measure the
> flicker of tungsten lights, and it's less than 10%. Now, the visible light
> output is far from linear, with a threshold at near full power, so that
> means there's probably even less variation in the thermal output over the
> cycle. And that's a tiny filament. For the heating resistors, it would be
> even less. And now imagine if the heating resistor varies its thermal
> output by a per cent or less, and if only a fraction of the heat from the
> resistor reaches the SS cylinder, which has a mass of 1.5 kg (probably a
> thousand times that of a tungsten filament, and 4 times the heat capacity).
> There is no way any temperature ripple would be observed in the steel, let
> alone reach the core. You need to go back to that heat equation.
>> > But in any case, in the dummy run, they measured the power to the ecat
>> so that
>> > suggests it's an ordinary ac signal. Anyway, a box powered by ordinary
>> mains
>> > can produce any signal shape they want. They wouldn't go to 3-phase
>> just to
>> > skimp on diodes and capacitors. The 3-phase looks more like obfuscation
>> to me.
>>  Again, if they need to have precise PWM without a large 100 Hz ripple,
>> they will
>> have to produce high-power DC, and they will want it to be reliable.
>>  It's not
>> just a matter of "skimping" on capacitors.
>  They measured the power to the ecat on the lines going in to the ecat
> using clamp on meters in the December run, and in the dummy run in March.
> So it's ac at the line frequency; the meter has a narrow frequency range.
> And in March it's single phase ac. There's no reason they need high power
> dc.
>> As a side node, the use of tri-phase power seems to indicates that
>> this is the real
>> deal.  Why would indeed Rossi bother with that if he didn't have a true
>> need to
>> industrialize his product?
>  So, in the end you admit that it's not needed for this purpose, and that
> it's a bother. Why bother? I explained that. It forces the use of a
> specific mains line that will not be used for anything else. It increases
> the complexity, which gives much opportunity for deception. And it makes
> much higher power available, in case he wants to make it glow.

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