Berke Durak <> wrote:

> But using an electricity trick to deceive a group of experts sent
> by a power industry association is stupid.

Well said! The whole notion is hilarious.

Even if it were shown that these people are not experts, you can be sure
someone at Elforsk read that report carefully before issuing the statement

Organizations such as this one do not casually post such statements on
their web site. This statement says, in effect, that we are looking at
revolutionary technology. It is similar to EPRI's understated but
unequivocal conclusion:

"EPRI PERSPECTIVE This work confirms the claims of Fleischmann, Pons, and
Hawkins of the production of excess heat in deuterium-loaded palladium
cathodes at levels too large for chemical transformation."

Yamali Yamali <> wrote:

"a group of experts sent by a power industry"
> Are you suggesting the power industry association had a hand in picking
> these experts and the group they eventually came up with included Giuseppe
> Levi and Hanno Essen based on their expertise?

No, I expect Levi went to the Swedes, and they -- in turn -- went to the
Elforsk. Essen is a V.I.P. academic who would have no difficulty getting
this level of funding.

Whether these people are experts or not I'm sure the Association reviewed
their work carefully before issuing a statement. I do not think it takes
long for an electrical engineer to conclude that there is no possibility of
fraud in these tests.

Even the people here such as Cude cannot come up with anything. They are
scraping the bottom of the barrel when they say that "three-phase
electricity is difficult to measure" or "there might be a hidden wire under
the insulation," forgetting that the researchers have to strip off the
insulation to measure voltage. Since those of the best arguments they can
come up with, they are finished. Cude came dangerously close to admitting
the COP might be over 1. Admitting that would the end for him. He can never
say that any test of cold fusion anywhere ever produced evidence of heat
over unity.

- Jed

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