So you're not basing the confidence that an EE would find fraud impossible not 
on the report or on what Hartman and Essen said afterwards but primarily on an 
idealized version of what you believe they should have done to exclude fraud. 
Or did they say anywhere in the paper that they actually cut the wires 
themselves? I couldn't find anything about it.

> "As noted, they made a video showing every minute of both tests. Rossi could 
> not have touched the equipment or the instruments."

I found that video setup extremely odd. Setting up a camera would be ok, but 
it'd have to have been on a wider angle and from a greater distance. As it was, 
the camera only captured a small area around the PCE830 and they used it to 
eyeball the measurements instead of pulling the data from the PCE830s data 
logging, which is not only odd but insanely pedestrian and inconvenient. So why 
would they do it that way? Of course, the setup cuts both ways. It keeps Rossi 
from manipulating the PCE830 once it is running - but it also keeps the testers 
from bringing up the wave analyzer on the display. We should ask Essen - but I 
wouldn't be surprised if the camera thing wasn't their idea at all but Rossi's 
requirement in order to make sure that they wouldn't investigate his 
"industrial secret waveform" and still give them a (crude, inconvenient and 
inaccurate) way to estimate the input power measurements over time.

 Von: Jed Rothwell <>
Gesendet: 20:22 Freitag, 31.Mai 2013
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:On deception

Joshua Cude <> wrote:

Watch the cheese video. The ends of the wires that the magician wants you to 
measure are already exposed. Clever, huh.

Too clever by half. This would not begin to fool any scientist, electrician or 
EE on God's Green Earth. There has not been an electrician since Edison who 
would not check all the wires, and who might fall for this.

No, they measured the voltage at the connection points on the 830, or some 
other previously prepared monitoring points. 
Quoting from the report:

"As in the previous test, the LCD display of the electrical power meter 
(PCE-830) was 
continually filmed by a video camera. The clamp ammeters were connected 
upstream from the 
control box to ensure the trustworthiness of the measurements performed, and to 
produce a nonfalsifiable document (the video recording) of the measurements 

As noted, they made a video showing every minute of both tests. Rossi could not 
have touched the equipment or the instruments.

This is proof that the people doing the tests are not naive idiots who trust 
Rossi, and that they took reasonable precautions against obvious tricks such as 
hidden wires. Additional messages from the authors confirm that they looked for 
things like a DC component in the electricity and they checked the equipment 
stand to sure it was not charged with electricity.

There is not the slightest chance Rossi could have done anything so easy to 
discover as the "hidden wire under the insulation" trick. If that is best you 
can come up with, you have scrapped the bottom of the barrel and come up with 

- Jed

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