A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to pursue
rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF & LENR, relentlessly so. I
suspect they do so because they have ironically misplaced the specific
audience they are actually trying to convince. Pseudoskeptics think they are
trying to convince a vast world "others" of the fact that their conclusions
& opinions are incorrect. This approach will invariably fail because they
refuse to admit the possibility that the person they are really trying to
convince is no one other than themselves. Unfortunately, they are incapable
of admitting this because they have invested too much of their EGO in a
house of cards that they must continue to support. It also helps explains
why their posting predilections are often obsessively relentless. Constantly
focusing all of their energy on trying to tear apart the opinions of others
will obviously never address their own unrealized doubts. Therefore, the
only option they feel they have left at their own disposal is to try harder.

Such irony!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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