On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 7:24 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to
> pursue rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF & LENR, relentlessly
> so.  .
***It's because they're genuinely interested in the topic.  They are just
hyperskeptical by nature.  When you get to the point where their skepticism
forces them to, say... believe in something that is off by 4500 orders of
magnitude, they think it's simply wrong.

When you show them how wrong they are, a little fuse pops in their brain
and with such cognitive dissonance they cannot function rationally
any more.  They don't realize it, but their thinking just jumped from (more
or less rationally) hyperskeptic to "it can't be true, so it isn't.

That inability to self-apprehend when they have gone over a rational cliff
is what differentiates the hyperskeptic (annoying) from the skeptopath
(useless, hateful and dangerous).


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