More Ethics Questions: Uppsala University Hides Failed E-Cat Test



This was posted in the comment section by MY on Mats site:

"In an interesting new development, Krivit has written a new article which
says that Kullander independently tested the ecat under auspices of Uppsala
University officially. The article further states that the test took place
and the ecat did not work. For reasons not stated, Kullander never released
the information. 

Also according to Krivit, Goran Ericsson, a professor in the Applied Nuclear
Physics Division of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala
University, provided "detailed information" about this negative test of the

Frankly, I am amazed that Rossi would ever allow such a test. The rest of
the article is behind a pay wall. Mats, do you know anything more about this
test? If so, what happened?"



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