
“Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets
in heavy water"

how about the reaction that has been experimentally demonstrated in the
referenced paper?

electron + deuterium+ -> dinuetron + neutrino

dineutron -> deutrerium + electron + neutrino

deuterium + dinuetron  ->  tritium + neutron + 3.5MeV

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> > From: "Edmund Storms" <>
> > Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 6:34:44 AM
> > Eric, why do you ignore the obvious reaction of D-e-H = tritium? This
> > is the ONLY reaction consistent with all observations.
> That supports your earlier reply to my questions:
> H-e-(H-e-H)-e-H-e  ==>   H-e-(D)-e-H-e-H
> I suggested that poisoned the chain -- you said it probably just moved its
> activity to a higher start-temperature.
> Then we get
> -e-H-(D-e-H)-e-H-e-H-  ==>  -e-H-e-(t)-e-H-e- ...

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