Paul, I have the same speculation as I have said and published many times based on a comprehensive model. I have predicted that the e-Cat does not make energy by the Ni+p=Cu reaction, but by formation of deuterium. I have asked often for tests be made for this nuclear product. So far, there has been no response.

On Jun 18, 2013, at 7:08 PM, Paul Breed wrote:

>4.) When the isotopes are H, the nuclear product is still unknown....

Any speculation?
My speculation would be D????

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Edmund Storms <> wrote: Robin, you need to acknowledge what actually is observed rather than what you think should happen. We are witnessing a novel process that has several basic characteristics, which are:

1. Hydrogen isotopes can come together in a material to make a fusion product without emitting the nuclear energy as energetic particles.
2. When the isotopes are d, the nuclear product is 4He.
3. When the isotopes are a mixture of H and D, the nuclear product is tritium.
4. When the isotopes are H, the nuclear product is still unknown.
5. When the conditions are suitable for these fusion reactions to occur, the hydrogen isotope can add to a heavy nucleus to cause transmutation without emission of energetic particles.

All of these reactions require a very unique condition that is able to overcome the Coulomb barrier without application of energy and release the nuclear energy in small units. This result is in direct contrast to the hot fusion process.

You need to ask what process can cause these observed results. Of course, NO process can be imagined that could not be rejected for some reason. That is why the claims are not generally accepted. Nevertheless, the behavior has now been well established as real and needs to be explained. Present attempts either ignore most observed behavior or use unsupported assumptions and reach conclusions that can not be tested. Consequently, discussing these ideas is a waste of time. Nevertheless, the process needs to be explained.

I have proposed a process that is consistent with ALL the observed behavior. I know this because I have actually read most of the published literature. In addition, I predict behavior that is expected and can be tested. I can also describe exactly how the e- Cat works based on the model and how it can be improved. I will discuss this at ICCF-18. Nevertheless, I find very little interest exists in discussing these ideas here and great difficultly even getting them published in conventional journals. Consequently, I have not shown all the evidence or the details of the process. Instead, I have decided to use my time testing the ideas. If the tests are successful, then we can talk again.


On Jun 17, 2013, at 8:35 PM, wrote:

In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Sat, 15 Jun 2013 12:41:09 -0700:
Eric, why do you ignore the obvious reaction of D-e-H = tritium? This is
the ONLY reaction consistent with all observations.

The ONLY way this reaction will happen is if the electron first combines with one of the two nuclei to form either one or two neutrons which then combine(s) with the other nucleus to form T (WL IOW). A concurrent fusion of all three particles will lead to 3He not T, because the reaction to 3He is a strong force reaction, and happens "instantaneously", whereas the reaction to T would be a weak force reaction if it happened at all, which it doesn't because the reverse
weak force reaction is what happens in nature (i.e. T decays the He3).

Robin van Spaandonk

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