
I concluded myself a year ago that some of the crop circle makers appear to
be particle physicists and many circles are warning us of solar flares,
CMEs and severe weather and trying to help us along with cleaner energy.
Which led me to believe that our quantum gravity field is decaying space
and decays into our weather which in turn is decaying us humans along with
it.  Our spacetime is not warping, it is decaying
Which led me to believe intelligent beings will not spend much time
personally with us because they know they will decay also as we humans do
after 70-80 years
Which leads me to believe something from the quantum field is trying to
communicate with us from the barley field...
Our Sun, and those coronal strings of dark matter/energy streaming our way
in the solar wind is both our creator and destroyer over time.

Just my take on it


On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 6:53 AM, Rob Dingemans <> wrote:

>  Hi,
> On 4-7-2013 23:50, ChemE Stewart wrote:
> For those with an open mind....
> Interesting link, and I noticed the link with the word "alchemy", which is
> said to originate from the Arabic "al-kimia".
> I was wondering if the word might be originally ALSO related to the Greek
> conjunction of "allos" (not original/different/strange) and "chumeia"
> (chemistry/casting/(in)fusion).
> This suggests a relation with nuclear fusion (or fission?) in which a
> transmutation from one element into another element takes place.
> This is in essence the old thought that alchemists were able to change
> Lead into Gold.
> However in my perception is the process to potentially achieve this the
> reverse from what you need, i.e. "fission" i.s.o. of "fusion".
> You might wonder if the "old" alchemists were actually nuclear physicists?
> This raises the question if Andrea Rossi and his "teachers" stumbled on
> some very old secret writings or knowledge about alchemy.
> Kind regards,
> Rob

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