DJ Cravens <> wrote:

> Not everything is intended for science.

This kind of presentation is only good for fluffy public relations.

>   I see no reason that Defkalion should be assumed to be required to
> display the science behind their inventions.

No one is asking them to do that, least of all me. I say they should
describe the calorimetry that supports their claims. They can make this a
black-box presentation. The recent Levi report described the calorimetry
supporting Rossi's claim without revealing anything about the science.

>   I would love to know their data, their theoretical models, .....
> but......

They should reveal the calorimetric data from the test that Gilardone
observed. As for their theoretical models, I doubt these have any validity.
Unless these people happen to be Nobel level physicists, I expect their
theory resembles that of Thomas Savery for his steam pump. Quoting John
Sanfort, "Heat Engines":

If you could have asked Mr. Savery to describe the operation of his engine,
he would have used such expressions as "incensed and inflamed air,"
"intercourse of the two contraries" and "frustrated ascent of water,"
amusing fancies but meaningless today.

In other words, he had no idea how the thing worked. Sandfort exaggerates
somewhat; Savery had a practical grasp of how the machine worked even
though he knew nothing about oxygen or thermodynamics. See his book, "The
Miner's Friend."


> When was the last time you saw CocaCola list their ingredients, or Boeing
> their data sheets and methods of heat treating rotor blades . . .

As I said, no one is asking for this. Boeing publishes the specifications
and performance specifications for their aircraft. Defkalion should publish
something similar.

If Defkalion wants to be taken seriously they should publish a detailed
description of the calorimetry and overall performance. As things stand, I
have no idea whether they are even capable of measuring the performance
they claim. The photos of the desktop calorimeter they published before
were unimpressive.

- Jed

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