You and your motives are very hard to understand and
do not seem inconsistent.

First you say ” "nothing, anywhere, ever about the kind of device you plan to 
show at NI Week”. (incomplete sentence) ---- Again you make a big negative 
assumption about others.  How do you know if I do or do not have a writeup?I 
will grant you it is not complete since my data acq system is in Austin getting 
a NI program installed and written,but there is a write up and even a folder 
with the user manuals for the major equipment items and chemical sources.Learn 
to check facts before you throw out automatic condemnations.  When I point out 
that I have posted descriptions and pictures both via Vortex and CMNS you then 
back track and say“I mean a scientific paper. In a proceedings or journal.” 
(incomplete sentence)  When I say that is not proper to present papers on demos 
that have not yet be preformed, you then say“I expect a demo to be accompanied 
with a complete description of the planned even (sic).” I would normally take 
that to mean you would not expect a full description until the planned event 
but that is in direct conflict of what I would normally understand from your 
first complaint.  
It is your continued use of incomplete sentences and misspelling in a public 
forum that make me very hesitant to accept your editing offer.  I accept it 
from the science researchers but they do not profess to be editors. " I suggest 
you write a report, now." You haven't even seen my first report about my demo.  
Why should I write another report? D2
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:09:33 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:DGT or ECAT? Same Process?

DJ Cravens <> wrote:

You obviously try to twist things.  
Are you really expecting people to present papers and descriptions of demos 
before the demos?
Yes, absolutely. I expect a demo to be accompanied with a complete description 
of the planned even. Of course it may not come off as planned, but it should be 
So you ARE prepared. Good. I suggest you write a report, now.
- Jed

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