just another fluff-piece from the margins of a marginal effect.
***If it is a marginal effect, then the world leaders in MEASurement would
have said so. But instead, Scientific Instruments has said there is an
anomalous effect here after looking into the MEASurements. Meanwhile, this
latest commentary on the science behind the claim is sounding just like the
usual scientifically illiterate gibberish that the anti-LENR crowd has been
putting out since the beginning.

National Instruments is a multibillion dollar corporation that does not
need to stick its neck out for “bigfoot stories”. After noting more than
150 replications, they recently concluded that with so much evidence of
anomalous heat generation...
• THERE IS AN UNKNOWN PHYSICAL EVENT and there is a need of better
measurements and control tools. NI is playing a role in accelerating
innovation and discovery.

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