Trying to be positive I would say that is a Zeppelin failure (Until the
last failure, Zeppelin was saying that he was learning only from his
failures... and by the way we have a Zeppelin today over paris)).

Defkalion tried to seduce ICCF18, and LENR scientists.
 If you add Rob's comments of patent problems, you see that Defkalion can
only escape from the 95% chance to fail, by continuous innovation, because
LENR cannot be patented.
This is why they need scientists, engineers. this is why they claim 1% of
their income to be put in basic research, and why they partners with people
like Defkalion europe.
An this is finally why they tried to seduce ICCF17 and ICCF18...

It didn't work. I advise you to read Antifragile of the Stockholm syndrome
In frenche we also have the idiom :" chat échaudé craint l'eau
froide" (scalded cat fears cold water)
The critics found here are (unlike those on deniers groups) absolutely
real... It is just that like Blaze spinnaker says, at first sight, it look
surprising on vortex to see, not skeptical (good, and justified), but
negative vision...

The fact is that LENR domain have tried to seduce the scientific community,
dancing with sexy 50sigma evidences, and it did not work. If LENR was a
sexy girl and Scientific Community was a boy, I would say that he is gay.
No dance will work.

then came the entrepreneur who don't play the same game... the end of a
world. a paradigm change.

One failure of DGT is probably, like I would have done myself, to imagine
that pleasing the deniers would help being accepted (typical of desperate
unilateral lovers).
They just asked for COP 1.1, they refused to account for steam, to avoid
critics like those on Rossi... they learned from Rossi's problems in 2011
(rossi learned in accepting the no test will work, unless 3rd party, and
that steam or flow should be avoided). It failed.

I hope DGT entrepreneur are antifragile, benefiting like Zeppelin of their
failures. And this demo is a huge failure. It seduced few, and raised huge

however it also raised concerns, that now identified, can be corrected.
I hope they take advantage of that detailed critic to correct it... not
forgetting that the problem is cognitive, psychiatric, epistemological,
 not physical.

NB: by the way, about Matt blowing the fuse, it seems that he simply
trigger the "differential disjunctor", which protect humans from
electrocution, in 20ms max, starting from 30mA fault...

2013/8/13 Jed Rothwell <>

> David Roberson <> wrote:
>> My concern is that the exit flow rate is not accurately measured at an
>> input meter when reverse steam pressure is applied at the high temperatures
>> seen.  It has not been proven that the input gauge is accurate under this
>> condition.
> Me too. That's what worries me. Well said.
> - Jed

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