In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:59:19 -0700:
>So there would
>be both "electric" branches present -- discharging into the electron cloud
>and occasionally pushing off of lattice nuclei.  No doubt this would be a
>function of proximity of the short-lived intermediate resonance to the
>lattice sites and a roll of the dice as to which way things went.

Note that fast ions will also lose energy by ionizing atoms, creating more angry
bees, so it doesn't really matter which path is followed.
The amount of energy used to create bees is pretty much the same, either way.

>Ron will not agree with any of this, as he thinks that any screening would
>not apply at the distances needed to obtain fusion.  He knows the relevant
>math and I do not, so I can only go off of intuition at this point.  But I
>wonder whether he has paid sufficient attention to the mechanism of the
>Polywell reactor.
>On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 3:08 PM, <> wrote:
>I don't think it makes all that much difference which path it follows.
>> Either
>> way most of the energy is going to be used to ionize other atoms and
>> create more
>> angry bees.

Robin van Spaandonk

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