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*Figure 7 in the reference*

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*This cavity is produced by  a magnetic monopole (Micro ball lightning or
if you prefer, a vortex current plasmoid)generated  by electric discharge.
It is the same vortex current produced by Leclair in cavitation bubble
collapse and by Ken Shoulders In his EV experiments,*

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On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is happening in lightning both natural and artificial has been
> produced in the Proton-21 experiments for years now.
> The gamma and neutron emissions from Proton 21 point to the occurrence of
> the primary LENR reaction. The secondary LENR reaction involving
> Bose-Einstein condensation does not occur in Lightning and in Proton-21
> spark discharge.
> BEC production is a product of SPASER(*surface plasmon amplification by
> stimulated emission of radiation - *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaser)
> formation that is produced in a lattice or dusty plasma.
> When LENR occurs in bare electric discharge, BEC does not form and
> therefore gamma and neutron radiation is produced.
> The same is true for cavitation. Ed Storms says that the Leclair reaction
> is hot fusion. Not So.
> Leclair is producing vortex currents in cavitation bubble collapse which
> are un-remediated by BEC formation.
> Remember this post as follows:
> https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/pro/13fab5525862e0d0
> * Reference:*
> * *
> *http://aflb.ensmp.fr/AFLB-331/aflb331m632.pdf*
> * *
> *Experimental observation and analysis of action of light magnetic
> monopoles on multilayer surfaces*
> * *
> * *
> *I am interested in the similarities between the electromagnetic
> anomalies that have been reported by the Proton-21 experiment with those
> reported by LeClair in his cavitation experiments.*
> * *
> * *
> *This “particle” could well be a magnetic vortex current that is mobile
> well beyond its location of creation. Like a nano-sized ball lightning,
> this vortex current is attracted to a solid surface where it induces
> nuclear reactions as a result of its unique electromagnetic nature.*
> * *
> * *
> *LeClair may have erroneously connected the water crystal that he sees
> with the action of this magnetic vortex current.*
> * *
> * *
> *Like ball lightning, If this current is large enough, this vortex
> currents may well be capable of passing though solid obstructions such as
> reactor walls as has been reported by LeClair and with ball lightning. *
> * *
> * *
> *The referenced paper shows that these vortexes can travel a considerable
> distance from there points of creation and are very light in mass and may
> well be massless. *
> * *
> * *
> *LeClair has presented clear experimental evidence showing the action and
> mobility of these vortexes and so have STANISLAV V. ADAMENKO  and
> VLADIMIR I. VYSOTSKII  in the above reference.*
> * *
> * *
> * *
> * *
> * *
> * *
> * *
> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.115003
>>> Neutron Bursts in Lab Lightning [... snip ... ]
>> We here at vortex know that LENR is an electromagnetic based reaction.
>> There have been complaints here and elsewhere that observing 10 MeV
>> neutrons emitted in bursts from a lightning discharge is in no wise LENR.
>>  Complaints made here have been expressed with moderation, and ones
>> elsewhere have been made with great self-assurance.  I have seen two
>> reasons given that such a phenomenon (assuming it exists) is not LENR:
>>    - LENR is understood to be a low-energy phenomenon, and the
>>    GeV-levels of energy to which particles in a lightning discharge are
>>    accelerated are more than enough to account for fusion of the hot plasma
>>    variety.  The complaint here amounts to the idea that the most likely
>>    explanation in this instance can be found in decades-old textbooks -- 
>> we're
>>    just looking at old-time fusion.
>>    - Another complaint is that one of the main observables are 10 MeV
>>    neutrons, and
>>       - neutrons are not generally seen in LENR,
>>       - and the ones that have been seen are well below 10 MeV.
>> My point here is not to dispute these complaints or say they are
>> incorrect; on one level they are very reasonable.  My point is to urge some
>> caution and humility.  We cannot simply choose willy-nilly to enforce a
>> demarcation around an empirical phenomenon such as LENR and exclude what
>> might well be a secondary effect, one that might be made possible only by
>> the main process going on.  Doing so would imply detailed knowledge of what
>> is behind LENR, which we do not yet have.  A similar note of caution can be
>> made in connection with the D2O cluster impact fusion experiments carried
>> out by Beuhler, Freidlander, and Friedman at Brookhaven National Laboratory
>> in 1989 and after.  They accelerated clusters of D2O ions up to 225-300 keV
>> at TiD and TiH foils and saw 3 MeV protons coming off of the TiD foils at
>> rates implying dd fusion that are anomalous for the level of energy to
>> which the ion clusters were accelerated.  (Recall that the energy of
>> individual d's in the cluster are a fraction of the total energy for the
>> cluster, which were made up of 10s to 100s of D2O molecules.)  These
>> observations of Beuhler et al. caused some difficulties, because existing
>> models of hot fusion could not account for the rates of fusion that they
>> were seeing.  Nonetheless there are people who will say with great
>> confidence that this is just hot fusion and, therefore, it is not
>> interesting.
>> This assertion may be correct, and it may be incorrect.  It is quite
>> possible and perhaps even likely that Beuhler et al.'s findings fall into
>> the category of hot fusion, that they are not something novel, and that
>> they are not at any rate due to LENR.  My point here is only that they
>> *might* be interesting and that they *might* be due to LENR.  Without an
>> adequate theory to link together all of the different pieces of the puzzle
>> into a clean conceptual model, we are somewhat at a loss to say what is hot
>> fusion and what is LENR.  We can describe the situation in broad terms --
>> what you see in a nuclear reactor is fission.  What you see in a hydrogen
>> bomb is hot fusion and fission.  And what you see going on in the sun is
>> hot fusion and probably does not include LENR (although on this point I
>> sometimes wonder).  And also, on the other side -- what you see in the F&P
>> effect is LENR.  And what we're seeing with Rossi's and Defkalion's devices
>> give every reason to think that it is LENR.  And when you have LENR going
>> on, you do not see prompt radiation at any levels commensurate with the
>> heat that is evolved.
>> But, sometimes in LENR experiments, you see fast particles at very low
>> levels.  And sometimes you do see neutrons at very low levels.  And
>> sometimes you see other things.  And sometimes what is seen may not be
>> readily explicable by existing models of hot fusion.  It is an act of pure
>> volition, and not of one of logical or scientific reasoning, to push such
>> observations into the corner of hot fusion.  People do it because they want
>> to do it, because they have a heuristic that they like for deciding a
>> priori what is LENR, and not because we understand sufficiently what is
>> going on to say that these things are just hot fusion.
>> It is a similar act of pure volition to say that complex structures in a
>> metal lattice are a requirement for LENR.  What we can conclude is that
>> complex structures in a metal lattice seem to make LENR possible.  But that
>> is different than saying that LENR requires such an environment -- that's a
>> much harder proposition to support.  You must go around and find all of the
>> other environments in the universe, and then show how LENR cannot occur in
>> them.  Absent a suitable and compelling theory, we're out of our depth
>> trying to draw such a conclusion.  It would be similar to asserting that
>> LENR requires electrolysis, deuterium and palladium.  We know that LENR
>> seems to arise in such an environment given the right conditions.  But if
>> we hewed to that observation as final truth, we would have to exclude the
>> possibility of LENR occurring in NiH, which would obviously be a silly
>> thing to do.
>> About the GeV levels of energy in the lightning discharge -- note that
>> neutrons are also seen in arc discharges at much smaller energies, so the
>> GeV and MeV levels of energy may not be pertinent to the neutron bursts
>> observed by the Russian group.  About the 10 MeV neutrons, note that such
>> neutrons are going to be the *product* of some reaction, and the kinetic
>> energy of the neutrons will be a function of the resulting mass deficit and
>> not the initial energy of the reactants.
>> Eric

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