
I see my view of the Ni/H reaction does not support the underlying
assumptions of your study.

The nuclear active sites (NAE) in the Ni/H reactor form on the surface of
balls of nanoparticles that have congealed out of the plasma.

Small particles tend to clump together under electrostatic attraction to
form bigger particles. This is how the earth, the other planets and the sun
eventually formed from a gas/dust cloud.

Dipole based electrostatic attraction occurs early before the mass of the
particle clumps get weighty enough for gravity to take over.

On the surface of these dust balls, one or many NAE form. But these balls
are weak in dipole power because they have many surface discontinuities
which are not supportive of dipole development.

These small dust balls are attracted to the 5 micron nickel particles. They
land on the surface of the micro powder and share in their huge store of
dipole energy.

The NAE(s) on the nano-dust balls are thus more greatly empowered and
strengthen by the dipole energy stores of the micro-powder.

Most importantly, no matter where these NAEs exist, they are all members of
a global Bose-Einstein condensate that share in their collective power

The NAE collection share thermal energy isothermally and superfluidically.
These boson quasiparticles share heat energy superfluidically with no
resistance to flow.

This results in an absolutely stable temperature both in the nickel
particles and hydrogen envelope that surrounds the nickel particles.

This isothermal temperature distribution will provide experimental proof
that the NAE sites are all members of a system wide BEC.

 I think we have seen evidence of this when Rossi’s high temperature
reactor melted down including the 2000C heater insolation.

The whole reactor melted down evenly including the hi-temp insolation.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 12:09 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> I have been researching the ECAT sized metal spheres in order to determine
> the expected behavior as their diameters are varied.  This has lead to some
> interesting results which I share on occasion with the vortex in the hope
> that the insight will spark ideas within the group.  Whether or not this
> information is helpful is left to the discretion of the readers.
> My assumed system consists of 100 grams of nickel generating 10000 watts
> of heat power.  Each reaction releases 5 MeV of energy.  The actual
> physical source of the energy is not taken into consideration since that is
> not generally understood as of this time.
> My crude model consists of a very large quantity of nickel spheres of an
> assumed diameter such that the total mass is as listed above.  One of my
> variables is obviously the diameter of each sphere which is modified in an
> attempt to understand what might be expected as this dimension is changed.
> For the following results I am attempting to estimate the temperature of a
> single sphere in open space that emits all of the energy generated within
> without having any incoming radiation to balance since it sees cold space
> as it looks outward.  In normal operation each sphere will be surrounded by
> the thermal environment so that it must operate at a higher temperature
> than my calculation suggests and that is one of the paths that I am
> pursuing in further research.  The calculations that I am posting would
> therefore represent a low extreme temperature value that could not be
> reduced if the power output constraints are to be met.
> I chose an emissivity of .8 for the nickel material, but this can be
> modified if anyone has a better estimate and wants me to take it into
> consideration.  The radiation from the surface is assumed to be normal to
> the sphere surface.
> I calculate that the temperature of the 10 micrometer diameter test sphere
> is 425 K degrees (152 C) in open space.  This is the minimum temperature
> that the surface of the sphere supports which will result in the expected
> radiation level.  If the sphere is surrounded by other spheres or parts of
> the system at an operating temperature that is required to transfer energy
> to the load by radiation the temperature will have to increase in order to
> deposit its portion of the total energy.   Conduction and convection are
> not taken into consideration for this calculation.
> The absolute surface temperature of each sphere must increase as the
> diameters increase.  This is not too surprising since the total surface
> area of the large collection of spheres is reduced as the diameter of each
> sphere increases.  Since the power is assumed constrained at 10000 watts
> the surface power density by necessity must rise.  My model was tested with
> varying diameters of spheres and the relationship appears to follow an
> interesting function.  It so happens that the absolute temperature is
> directly proportional to the forth root of the diameter ratio.  To clarify
> the calculation, you take the desired sphere diameter and divide it by the
> original diameter first.  Then take this ratio and raise it to the .25
> power.  The result will be the absolute temperature ratio expected for
> radiation of a constant total power.
> In the case that I use as reference you would obtain: initial 10
> micrometer sphere collection, with absolute temperature of 425 K: desired
> 160 micrometer diameter spheres.  Calculate 160 micrometers/10 micrometers
> = 16.   Take the forth root of 16 and obtain 2.  Since the 10 micrometer
> spheres reach 425 K, the 160 micrometer spheres should be at 850 K (578
> C) as the calculated value.  The numbers are rounded for clarity.
> Dave

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