Eric Walker <> wrote:

> It's an unruly democracy/technocracy with an overgrowth of rules,
> regulations, guidelines, technicalities and useless dogma.  As an
> organization of people collaborating on their own time on a summary of
> human knowledge, they're gradually tackling problems on a scale that has
> not seen before.

I hate to admit it, but you are right. It is remarkable, and it has done a
lot of good.

>  It is quite possible that other collaborative encyclopedia ventures, with
> a better collaboration model, will come along in the next few years and
> gradually replace them . . .

They should be looking for a better model now, so they can replace
themselves. Otherwise they will Sears and someone else will be Wallmart. It
is surprising how often incumbent organizations sit on their laurels.

- Jed

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