Jones Beene <> wrote:

Nice insight. You got that exactly right: vorticians (and creative,
> open-minded people in general) seem to be at the low end of the
> "authoritarianism" scale, as defined by... who else? one Professor
> Altemeyer. LOL.

Why is this funny? This is social science research. Who else other than a
professor does that kind of research, or writes books about it? It costs a
great deal of money to do this research, and there is a very limited market
for it. (I know that because my late mother was a leading social science

The fact that a professor said this is not evidence that it is wrong, or
risible (or "LOL" in webspeak).

I think Altemeyer presents good evidence for his claim.

To clarify, there are many exceptions to the correlation between
conservative views and high authoritarianism, as Altemeyer himself points
out. For example, libertarians tend to be conservative about economics but
low on the authoritarian scale. Liberal busybodies who favor politically
correct speech may be high on the authoritarian scale.

Many people have a mixture of high and low scale authoritarian tendencies,
depending on the subject and on various extraneous factors. For example, a
person might be in favor of legalizing pot while he opposes abortion.

- Jed

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