(Audio Interview) Eric Lerner on 'TheSpaceShow.com' on 12-15-2013
Lerner discusses aneutronic fusion at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics.


> A new item -
> December 13, 2013
> Senior Fusion researchers give major endorsement to Lawrenceville Plasma
> Physics Dense Plasma Focus Fusion Work and say they expect feasibility
> will be shown within two years with adequate funding.
> In a major endorsement of the fusion energy research and development
> program of start-up Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP), a committee of
> senior fusion researchers, led by a former head of the US fusion program,
> has concluded that the innovative effort deserves “a much higher level of
> investment … based on their considerable progress to date.” The report
> concludes that “In the committee’s view [LPP’s] approach to fusion power …
> is worthy of a considerable expansion of effort.”
> Lawrenceville Plasma Physics has been developing an extremely low-cost
> approach to fusion power based on a device called the dense plasma focus
> (DPF). In contrast to the giant tokamak machines that have been the
> recipients of most fusion funding, a DPF can fit in a small room. LPP’s
> final feasibility experiments and planned commercial generators will use
> hydrogen-boron fuel, which produces no radioactive waste and promises
> extremely economical clean energy.
> http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/12/senior-fusion-researchers-give-major.html
> Lawrenceville Plasma Physics
> - Homepage:   http://lawrencevilleplasmaphysics.com/

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