In reply to's message of Fri, 20 Dec 2013 00:54:51
-0500 (EST):
>In case they were not cited in Vortex earlier, the two authors have a
>number of papers on Arxiv that may be relevant to LENR - at URL:
>One of these is -
>"Nuclear processes in solids: basic 2nd-order processes"

I am troubled by the first line in section II.

"In the low-energy range (kR ?á 1, where R is the radius of a nucleon) and for
|r| . R
the long wavelength approximation
|'(r)| = |'(0)| = fjk(k)/?ãV (6)"

(Poor reproduction in ASCII text - please see original to make sense of this).

If R is the radius of a nucleon, then it is something less than 1 fm. If the
approximation in (6) is only valid when |r| < R, then is it only valid for
distances less than 1 fm. However at these distances, the nuclear force reigns
supreme, and nuclear reactions happen near instantaneously anyway. IOW by the
time the approximation takes effect, it is useless. Besides, how does one get
that close in the first place? 

>Nuclear processes in solid environment are investigated. It is shown that
>if a slow, quasi-free heavy particle of positive charge interacts with a
>"free" electron of a metallic host, it can obtain such a great magnitude
>of momentum in its intermediate state that the probability of its nuclear
>reaction with an other positively charged, slow, heavy particle can
>significantly increase. It is also shown that if a quasi-free heavy
>particle of positive charge of intermediately low energy interacts with a
>heavy particle of positive charge of the solid host, it can obtain much
>greater momentum relative to the former case in the intermediate state and
>consequently, the probability of a nuclear reaction with a positively
>charged, heavy particle can even more increase. This mechanism opens the
>door to a great variety of nuclear processes which up till know are
>thought to have negligible rate at low energies. Low energy nuclear
>reactions allowed by the Coulomb assistance of heavy charged particles is
>partly overviewed. Nuclear pd and dd reactions are investigated
>numerically. It was found that the leading channel in all the discussed
>charged particle assisted dd reactions is the electron assisted d+d?¨ 4He
>> Perhaps of interest:
>> Electron assisted neutron exchange process in solid state environment

Robin van Spaandonk

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