Why Are ASDs Increasing?

[image: Prevalence of ASDs per 1,000 Children. 2002: 6.6, 2006: 9.0, 2008:
11.3]At CDC, we know that people want answers to what is causing this
increase, and so do we. The reasons for the increase in the identified
prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are not understood
completely. Some of the increase is due to the way children are identified,
diagnosed, and served in their local communities, although exactly how much
is due to these factors is unknown. Also, it is likely that reported
increases are explained partly by greater awareness by doctors, teachers,
and parents. To understand more, CDC will keep guiding and conducting
research into what is putting our children at risk.

However, the data tell us one thing with certainty—more children are being
identified as having ASDs than ever before and these children and their
families need help.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah, he missed the part about 1/55 kids with autism, amphibians
>> disappearing, starfish melting, birds dropping from the sky, trees
>> disappearing, reactors melting down, reefs bleaching, Earth warming, 
>> Alzheimer's and
>> some cancers increasing. . . .
> I think he did a pretty good job describing potential problems, especially
> the population explosion. He nailed the present population pretty closely.
> In his other work, Asimov often pointed out the dangers of pollution and
> overpopulation.
> I do not think there has been an actual increase in autism. More cases are
> being diagnosed. I think some are not real. Alzheimer's and cancer is
> increasing mainly because there is no cure for them and the population is
> aging. People have to die of something. If you reduce heart disease and
> people live longer cancer will increase.
> If cancer and Alzheimer's are eliminated, some other old-age disease will
> become more prevalent.
> - Jed

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