In earlier BLP filings - on what constitutes a hydrino catalyst, it turned out 
to be possible to fit two thirds of the periodic table into their expansive 
definition. Talk about “over-reaching” …


USPTO examiners detest these painfully long and over-reaching applications. 
Many observers have commented on how poorly worded BLP’s efforts turn out - and 
how little value they actually have in defensible IP, having paid top dollar 
for poor work. BLP will probably not fare well if it ever comes to litigation.


A few years ago it was noted here that the company had overlooked “gas phase” 
in all of their voluminous filings – that is, up until Rossi’s patent 
application showed up in which his claim was for only gas phase… at which time 
BLP altered a previous filing, once which had only claimed liquid and plasma 
phase, to include gas phase. It was obvious that they were trying to cover up a 
glaring mistake in coverage.


I suppose that they were hoping no one would take notice, but instead the 
effect was to announce to the world how badly they had screwed up.


From: David Roberson 


It appears to me that they have most of the possible current levels covered.  
Why list ranges that include each other?

Magnetic fields that are changing in magnitude or direction generate electric 
fields that can impart energy upon charged particles.  A steady magnetic field 
is not able to supply energy to these charged objects, but can change their 
direction of motion.





-----Original Message-----

The BLP website is down as I write this, but yesterday the

"What’s New" tab on their homepage led to this entry dated 1/14/14 -
Patent Application – Power Generation Systems and Methods Regarding Same.
I am unsure whether this untitled 324 page document is an existing
patent application, one just submitted, or is pending submission.
What I found especially interesting is that it credits the anomalous
energy generation, and hydrino formation to an extremely wide range of
plasma currents, and current pulse widths.  For example, on p.107,
the following excerpt appears -
  "The current density may be in the range of at least one of
  100A/cm^2 to 1,000,000 A/cm^2, 1000 A/cm^2 to 100,000 A/cm^2,
  The pulse time may be in at least one range chosen from about
  10^-6 s to 10s, 10^-5s to 1s, 10^-4s to 0.1s, and 10^-3s to 0.01s.
  The magnetic flux may be in the range of about 10 G to 10 T,
  100 G to 5 T, or 1 kG to 1 T."
The huge current densities and sharp rise/fall times should create
very large magnetic forces that, if focused, impart huge momenta
and energies to charged particles that are in, or impacted, by the
plasma current filaments.
Possibly, BLP's upcoming demo will be a more systemic version of
the 1922 Wendt-Irion experiment that vindicates W-I's conclusions?
-- Lou Pagnucco

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